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How can I add quotes?
Updated over a year ago

You can add quotes a number of ways. We will start from the beginning but your default layout can include a quote board. If modifications have been made and you need to add a quote board, you will click the "+" in the top left of the platform and then drag the Quote Board icon to wherever you would like to dock this (an area to itself, tabbed within a current module, etc.)

Once this module is docked where you want it, you would simply type in a search term (symbol, name, partial name, exchange, etc) and our smart search tool will pull up any relevant products as you type.

Once you find the product you want to add, you can click on it and it will be added.

You can right-click this quote to pull up charts and DOMs, roll the contract forward or backward to other contract months, delete the quote, etc.

The second method of adding quotes is using the search bar at the top of the platform and as the product pulls up, you can hover your mouse over it to expand the menu and pull up specific modals or click the Add Quote to add to your current quote board:

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