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Sierra Chart Connection Instructions
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Before Getting Started

The Sierra Chart platform requires a paid license. If you do not have an account with Sierra Chart, you can create one here.

In addition, you will also need to pay for the Denali Exchange feed to receive accurate historical data. For additional information on how to do this, you can visit the Sierra Chart website.

We also recommend you use Rithmic Trader to keep track of your commissions and fees. Click here to download R|Trader Pro and follow these instructions to connect. Please note that you will not be able to log in to Sierra Chart and Rithmic Trader Pro at the same time. If you need commissions and fees tracked in real-time, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this article to add them to your Sierra Chart platform directly.

Before connecting to Sierra Chart for the first time, you must download R|Trader Pro and follow these instructions to connect and sign your CME agreement. Without completing this step and signing your CME agreement, you will not be able to log in to Sierra Chart.

Connection Instructions

  1. Download the latest version of Sierra Chart.

  2. Install the platform and log into your Sierra Chart account when prompted. This account is the one you created on the Sierra Chart website.

  3. Once logged in to the platform go to File > Data/Trade Service Settings

  4. Under Current Selected Service (List) select Rithmic Direct - DTC [trading] from the drop-down and click A to apply.


  5. Under Server (List) select TopstepTrader-Chicago Area-Non-Aggregated from the drop-down and click A to apply. If you do not live in the United States, please select the server that is closest to you. (If you are using an older device we recommend selecting TopstepTrader-Chicago Area-Aggregated). Note: If the Server (List) does not load we recommend restarting the platform.

  6. Under Trading Username & Trading Password you will enter your Topstep trading account information as provided in your credentials email. The password will start with TST.

  7. You will enter the same username and password for the Market Data & Historical Data.

  8. After all three usernames and passwords have been entered click Apply All and then close the settings window.

  9. In order to connect properly, please ensure that Trade Simulation Mode is disabled (unchecked). Go to Trade > Trade Simulation Mode. If this is checked, please click to uncheck.

  10. To connect go to File > Connect to Data Feed. The status bar on the top-left will turn green when you connect to your Topstep trading account.

Updating Commissions and Fees on Sierra Charts

Commissions and fees are not factored into the P&L for Sierra Chart users by default. To change this setting, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Global Settings > Symbol Settings

  2. Select the Symbol for the product(s) that you are trading.

  3. Under the Settings section on the top right, click on Round Turn Commission.

  4. Select Custom under Round Turn Commission and enter the commissions shown here for the products you are looking to update.

  5. After customizing all of the products you will be trading you can click OK to close the settings window.

  6. We always recommend using R|Trader Pro to help monitor your overall Net P&L while trading throughout the day.


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