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ATAS Connection Instructions
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Request an ATAS platform access key and download the platform

Through our partnership with ATAS, we are able to offer access to their platform free of charge to all traders in an active Trading Combine account.

Start by accessing your complimentary Key for the Trading Combine by completing the short form here.

Once you have submitted your form successfully, you will receive a confirmation email from ATAS with a login, password, and platform download link,

Please note that this key is only good for one month. However, you can register a new account with the same email as before and receive another free license for a month. There is no limit to the number of times that you can renew the license. Once you advance into the Funded Account®, you will need your own license. Find more information on ATAS’s Pricing Page here.

Connect To R|Trader Pro Prior to ATAS

Connect to R|Trader Pro data feed before signing into ATAS. Connecting to R|Trader Pro establishes the plug-in connection and allows you to see your Net P&L.

  1. Download R|Trader Pro Here and install the application.

Tip: You will need to use R|Trader Pro version or later to log in to the ATAS Platform and R|Trader Pro simultaneously.

  1. In R|Trader Pro, click Allow plug-in connection

  2. Insert your Rithmic Username from Topstep Support into both User ID fields

  3. Insert your Rithmic Password from Topstep Support into both Password fields

  4. For System, select TopstepTrader

  5. For Gateway, select Chicago Area

  6. Click the green arrow to log in


ATAS Platform Connection Instructions

Download and install the platform. During the installation process, you will be asked to choose a version of the platform. We recommend choosing the Stable version, but ultimately, it is up to you to choose between Stable, Latest, or Beta.

After installation, launch the platform. In the authorization window, enter the login and password received in the Your Access to the ATAS Platform email after registering here.


*This is not your Topstep username and password.

Tip: Please note that standard credentials from the website are not valid.

To connect your Trading Combine account, click on the Connections button in the main platform menu, then click Add, choose the Rithmic (TST) account in the next window, and click Next.


Now enter the Topstep Login Credentials received upon signing up for your ATAS Trading Combine. The login will be in your email with the following subject line: Topstep Account Credentials.

The server should be TopstepTrader: Chicago area and you will check both boxes for Market data.


* If you have not yet subscribed to the Topstep Trading Combine, you can do so here.

Click Finish and then the Connect button.


Now you can start trading!

Tip: Check the box in the Auto Connect column in order to connect your account automatically next time while starting the platform.

ATAS Support Contact Information

If you're having issues with your ATAS connection, you can find additional support and platform resources here:

Support Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00 CET


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