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TopstepX™ Order Management
TopstepX™ Order Management
Updated over 7 months ago

Types of Orders

The following list explains the different order types on TopstepX.

  • Market Order - An order that is filled at the current market price.

  • Limit Order - An order that will be filled at a specific market price the trader sets.

  • Stop Market Order - An order that remains 'pending' until certain conditions are met. Typically used to limit losses, or enter a new position after a confirmed directional move.

  • OCO (One Cancels the Other) - An order that allows traders to place two orders that work together. If one order is executed, the other is automatically canceled. This feature is great for managing risk and automating trading strategies.

  • Filled Order - An order that was filled in the market.

  • Open Order - An order waiting to be filled in the market. This is also referred to as a pending order or working order.

  • Trailing Stop Order - An order that places a stop order at a designated price and trails the market in predetermined increments when price action moves the market away from the stop order.

  • Risk - The amount (in USD) you are willing to risk on an individual position. When this amount is reached, the position will be closed, and your loss will become realized. This is also referred to as a Stop. As you increase/decrease your position size, these values update automatically.

  • To Make - The amount (in USD) you want to make on an individual position. When this amount is reached, the position will be closed out, and your profits will become realized. This is also referred to as a Take Profit. As you increase/decrease your position size, these values update automatically.

Order Ticket

The Order Ticket provides a simple way to place orders on TopstepX. You can select Buy or Sell, Market, Limit, Stop Market, Trailing Stop, and OCO order types; Cancel All, Flatten All, and Revere Position.

Time & Sales

Time & Sales provides a continuous feed of all trading activity in the market for the selected product on the TopstepX platform. To set filters to only show trades that are greater than or equal to a certain size, visit the System Settings area.


The DOM (depth of market), also referred to as the 'ladder', shows market depth, volume profile and provides one-click trading to traders. The TopstepX DOM displays hundreds of price levels each way (required 'Level 2' data subscription) and allows entry and exit automation directly from the DOM itself. In addition, you can see volume at different prices to analyze supply and demand.

You can place Limit Orders by left-clicking in the Bid or Ask column. You can place Stop Orders by right clicking in the Bid or Ask column. You can also drag and drop orders from within the DOM by hovering over them, clicking, and dragging.

Once you are in a position, your position will show on the DOM (indicated by a blue highlight) and theoretical profit and loss will be shown as well. As you size or size down in the position, these values will automatically update.

Trading Activity

The bottom section of TopstepX provides more detailed information about your account(s) and trading activity:

  • Accounts - View all of your active accounts in one place.

  • Positions - View or close your open positions. You can edit your Risk (Stop) and To Make (Take Profit) in USD.

  • Orders - View all completed and open orders for the current trading day. You can also cancel open (pending/working) orders.

  • Trades - Shows all completed (round trip) positions.

  • Quotes - View current market conditions for all available futures products.

Order Confirmations

Order confirmations are available on your chart and DOM. To enable Order Confirmations on TopstepX, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your TopstepX account

  2. Click Settings on the left-hand side of the of the screen

  3. Click Risk Settings

  4. Under Order Settings, click "Show Confirmations"

  5. Click Save

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