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Updated over a week ago


You will see all the transmittals you have sent from the project document library in this page. If you are a portal contact, you will see all the transmittals you have received. This can include everything from proposal documents, drawings but not invoices.

Your clients are legally bound by any of the actions they take on this page. The actions they take on this page are also recorded. Find more information in Transmittals such as using the BCC function or sending a transmittal.

Things you can do on this page:

  • Download the document by clicking on the download button.

  • See the profile pictures (if used) of all the other recipients of this transmittal.

  • Open the recipients’ business card to see their details.

  • Reply to the transmittal and add anyone to this transmittal.

  • Add an attachment to my reply.

  • Forward a previously issued transmittal. This will copy the set of documents on a new transmittal and create a new transmittal record.

  • Unfollow any activity related to this transmittal by clicking on the ellipsis. This will not delete the thread, but you will not be notified of an update.

  • Download the document by clicking on the download button.

  • See the profile pictures (if used) of all the other recipients of this transmittal.

  • Open the recipients’ business card to see their details.

  • Reply to the transmittal and add any Synergy staff member or anyone in my company to the reply.

  • Add an attachment to my reply.

  • Unfollow any activity related to this transmittal by clicking on the ellipsis.

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