Everything you need to know about setting targets in Synergy CRM
Updated over a week ago

The foundation of a strong sales or business development team is defined by key performance indicators. Setting targets allows you to guide your sales team around how much quota a sales rep, office or organisation is expected to bring into a company each year.

Setting targets by account manager

In your sales organisation typically, you will have a top-down flow of organisational targets that you will require to delegate to your team and be able to set quotas and have team-level visibility around quotas for sales planning.

In Synergy CRM within the KANBAN footer, you can set quotas in the KANBAN board by selecting an account manager and setting the target in the footer on the bottom right hand side. The target is the total fee value that is required to be met. This value is distributed across the sales stages in the KANBAN board once the value has been set.

You can also view targets set to each account manager by using the filter and selecting the account manager you would like to see.

Setting targets by office

At the start of each financial year, certain financial or nonfinancial targets are set at the organization level which are then trickled down to office locations also known as territories. In Synergy CRM you can allocate specific office locations to have set quota targets.

In Synergy CRM within the KANBAN footer, you can set quotas in the KANBAN board by selecting an office and then setting the target in the footer on the bottom right-hand side. The target is the total fee value that is required to be met. This value is distributed across the sales stages in the KANBAN board once the value has been set.

You can also view targets set to each office by using the filter and selecting the account manager you would like to see.

Setting targets by organisation

At the start of each financial year, certain financial or nonfinancial targets are set at the organization level. In Synergy CRM you can allocate an organisational wide sales quota to be met.

In Synergy CRM within the KANBAN footer, you can set quotas in the KANBAN board, all that you require to do is set the target on the bottom right-hand corner. The target is the total fee value that is required to be met. This value is distributed across the sales stages in the KANBAN board once the value has been set.

You can also view targets set to each office by using the filter and selecting the account manager you would like to see.


How to set a target on the KANBAN CRM screen

1. Navigate to the CRM screen

2. Click on the magnifying glass and in the filter select either the account manager or office to apply targets to the account manager and officer.

N.B. if you are applying a target organisation wide you can just click on the target on the won/lost column footer and set the target.

3. After you have selected the filtered criteria of either a specific account manager or office you can then set the target.

Tips โ€“ Targets can be applied to multiple filters including account manager, office and organisation. The totals value is based off the likelihood percentage and is applied to every column on the CRM Kanban board.

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