Document register

document register in synergy

Updated over a week ago

The document register in Synergy is the perfect place to manage your documents and any edits or versions that they might have.


You can get to your document register by going into a project and then click on the Project tab menu > Documents > Document library.

Once you are in the Project documents section go to the 'view in the top left corner and select the 'view: Document Register' from the drop-down menu.

Page Layout

The Document register consists of 7 columns. Most of the columns are the same as the default view with the addition of 'Document Number' and 'Title'.

These columns can be manually entered via the details page of the document itself. You will also be able to see the 'updated by' and 'last edited' date fields on the details page of the document. This will make it easier to keep track of all document information whilst on the document details page.


New Revisions and Documents

You can upload files into the Document register in Synergy with or without Sharepoint enabled in your organisation. You can upload documents straight to the Document register or upload a new revision directly on the document details page.

You are able to drag and drop new documents on top of the existing revision. The document that is dragged and dropped will supersede the last revision in Synergy. If you have SharePoint enabled a copy of the new file will be synced to SharePoint and will not override the original file.

Updates in SharePoint

If you have updated the Document in SharePoint with the latest revision a notification will appear on the Document register page in Synergy in the top right on the '...'.

Click on the '...' and select 'show new versions' from the drop-down menu that appears. A pop up with the revision update that was made in SharePoint and if you choose to update it then the latest revision held in Synergy will be updated to match the SharePoint document.

Columns and Fields

The 'Title' will be what you are wanting to call the series of documents as a collective. The 'Document Number' will be the number system that you are wanting to use for that collection of documents.

NOTE: These are both different from the individual document name and won't update if a new document is uploaded or revision added. The Document name can only be changed through the uploading of a new document revision or file.

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