Create My First Workout

A tutorial on how to create a workout program on TotalCoaching

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

The workout builder is certainly the most popular tool on TotalCoaching!

Before building a new program, you'll first want to select the client you want to build the program for. To do so, go to the Clients section, then click on your client's name.

Note: You can assign a program to yourself for testing purposes so you can see everything from a client's perspective. You can learn more about that in this tutorial.

Open the Session builder

Once you've clicked on your client's name, it opens her profile. You'll see her information on the right, as well as her calendar.

When a profile is open, you can see the name at the top, the client basic information, underneath that a few modules like the calendar, graphs, goals,...

The calendar is really the most important feature on TotalCoaching as it will show you pretty much everything about your client's training: the programs that you assigned to him, his measurements update for the day, as well as things that he decided to do on top of your programs (i.e if we went running for 30 min on top of your programs), it will show all that in real time.

Let say you want to create a weight session for today:

  1. Click on the "+" sign on the top right corner of the day you want that session to start

  2. Select "Animated session". Animated session simply means any session that contains exercises. It will then open the session builder.

3. On the top left, give your session a name, i.e Weight session.
4. Select the number of weeks you want that session to last. By default, it will be set on 4 weeks. For this tutorial, let's leave it like that.
5. You can also change the date you want the session to start.

Search and add exercises

There are two ways of finding exercises on the session builder: using TotalCoaching exercise database, and using your own custom exercises. In this tutorial we'll cover the TotalCoaching database only but you can learn more about Custom exercises in the tutorial for building advanced programs (see at the end of this tutorial).

You can search for exercises by tags, or by exercise name.

To search for exercises by tags:

  1. Click on the search field. You'll see a list of tags showing up, divided by muscle, equipment, movement.

  2. You can either select the tag you're looking for, or simply type it in the search field to find it quicker.

  3. Once you see the exercises, to add them to your session you can just drag them over to the left or select them and click on "Add Selected Exercises".

To search for exercises by exercise name:

  1. Click on the search field and enter the exercise you're looking for.

  2. Hit Enter.

You can also search by tags and exercise name simultaneously.

Note: you can see 2 exercise formats: 3D animations and live videos. All of the exercises are available in these 2 formats. You can also select one to display by default in your settings.

To remove an exercise from your session, click on the three dots at the top right corner and select "Remove".

Enter the exercise details

Once you've added your exercises, you'll want to enter the details, like the sets, reps and rest. Let's say you want to have a 10 min warm up for exercise 1:

  1. Enter "1" in the sets.

  2. Enter "10" in the reps. Since you want 10 minutes and not reps, click on the word "Reps", and simply change it for "Minutes"!

  3. The rest column is divided in two parts: minutes on the left, and seconds on the right.

Note: As you can see under exercise 1, there are 4 weeks, that's because you chose 4 weeks at the top. If you want the same sets, reps and rest for all the 4 weeks, use this little shortcut: click on the forth icon at the bottom of exercise 1, and it will copy week 1 to the other weeks!

Duplicate an exercise to other exercises

One thing that happens pretty often is that what you enter for one exercise also applies to another exercise. Instead of typing everything manually, you can use this other shortcut:

  1. Once you've entered the details for the exercise you want to duplicate, click on the last icon at the bottom right.

  2. Select the exercise(s) you want to copy the details to.

  3. Click on "Ok".

All the information will be duplicated to the other exercises!

Once you're done, simply click on "Save".*

*Before you do that, you might want to save that session in your favorites, see how here.

You'll end up on your client's calendar, who now has a new session, for the next 4 weeks. Once your client logs in to her account, she'll be able to see the new session right away!

Now go look at the Client side to see how your program looks like from a client's perspective! ===> Go to the client side

==== Take me to the Next Step ====

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