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[Favorites] How to Save and Reuse sessions
[Favorites] How to Save and Reuse sessions

Work more efficiently by saving and reusing sessions with the favorites feature!

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

One thing that can significantly help trainers save time is the ability to reuse sessions. TotalCoaching allows you to save as many sessions as you want as 'favorites' to reuse them later!

Build your session

  1. Open the session builder by going to your client's calendar and clicking on the '+' on any day. For the purpose of this tutorial, select 'Animated session'.

  2. Build your session

Save your session in your favorites

To save your session in your list of 'Favorites':

  1. Click on the star icon on the top left, next to the '+'. That will open a pop-up that asks you to rename your session. That name will be the one you'll see in your list of favorites when you'll want to reuse that specific session. So make sure it allows you to recognize it quickly.

  2. Once you're done, click on 'Save to my favorites'.

Find and reuse a favorite session

To reuse a favorite session:

  1. Open the session builder

  2. Instead of building your animated session from scratch, like you did before, you're going to click on 'Favorites' on the top right

  3. Select your favorite

  4. Click on 'Load selected favorite'

Your favorite will populate automatically!

N.B: Apart from animated sessions, you could also save Activities or Nutrition plans in your favorites and reuse them.

Add multiple sessions in one program

You just learned how to use the favorites to reassign one session to your client. You could even do better: combined with the 'Templates' feature, you can add multiple favorite sessions to a single program and assign it to multiple people at once!

To learn how to build a template, click here.

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