How to Create New Groups

Create groups and place a client into a specific one

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

You might want to create groups for the following reasons:

  • You've got a big volume of clients, and you want to better manage your list by separating your clients into different categories.

  • You have some clients who follow the same training program. You'd like to be able to easily assign one program to the entire group all in once.

  • You've got a team of different coaches, and you'd like every coach to have only access to their own group of clients.

Creating a Group

You can create and manage your groups right from your client section.

  1. At the top, below the '+' and your main company name, click on 'Manage my groups'

2. Click on the '+' again to add a group

3. Enter the name of your group and click on 'Save changes'

4. Your new group will appear in your list of groups.

If you return to your list of clients, you'll find your new group in the drop down list under your main group name.

Place your client into a specific group

There are 2 ways you can place your client into a specific group. Note that you can't place one client into 2 different groups at the same time.

  1. When you add him to your account

Under 'Additional Information', select the group you want that client to be added into.

2. From your clients list

Click on the 3 dots on the right of the client's name, then on 'Edit'.

You'll be able to move that client to another group.

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