Build a Nutrition Plan

Assign meal plans using the Nutrition feature

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

On top of being able to prescribe training plans, you can use TotalCoaching to easily build meal plans for your clients!

The nutrition feature works as a nutrition log so your clients can also use it to log what they ate for the day on their calendar.

To create a nutrition plan:

  1. Go to your client's profile and click on the '+' sign on a specific day of the calendar.

  2. Select 'Nutrition'. The nutrition log will open.

3. On the left you can see your client's calorie goal for the day. You can adjust it by clicking on 'Edit calorie goal'. You can also use the water counter to prescribe a number of glasses of water.

4. Use the food search on the right to look for your food items.

Let's say 'banana'. Once you find it, simply drag it over to the left into one of your client's meals.

5. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can also add your own custom food item!

At the top of the food search, click on the '+' sign. A pop up will show up in which you can enter a name and the item nutrient information.

6. As you add items to the meal plan, the nutrient intake will update on the left so you can adjust your meal plan accordingly.

Work efficiently by saving items and meal plans as favourites

Saving a food item as a favourite

Let's say you know you're going to look for the item 'banana' pretty regularly. By saving that item as a favourite, you'll be able to find it quicker from the meal plan builder: from the search results, click on the little star on the right of the food item.

To see all your favourite food items simply click on 'favourites' at the top of the food search panel on the right.

Saving a meal plan as a favourite

Now imagine that the meal plan you just built is perfect and you know you're going to reuse it later for another client.

You can save your meal plan as a favourite too, right from the meal plan builder!

  1. Click on the 3 little dots at the top right of the meal plan

  2. Click on 'Add current nutrilog to my favorites'

Once you're ready to assign your meal plan, click on the disk icon at the top of the meal plan to save and assign it to your client.

You're now back on your client's calendar where you can see the nutrition plan for today!

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