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How to Follow Up on my Clients' Programs
How to Follow Up on my Clients' Programs

Check if my client completed her program and review her feedback

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

The first thing you'll want to check when you log in is your list of clients.

On the left of each client's profile picture, you'll see a tiny colored bar. That colored bar tells you how your client is currently doing, based on their feedback.

Imagine that you have 15 clients there. Maybe all of them will have a nice green bar, because they're doing well, except for one, who's running into problems. Therefore you know instantly where to focus your attention.

So let's say your first client has completed her workout session.

Once you open her profile, you'll see on her calendar that her session shows a checkmark which means she completed it. The green color tells you that it went well.

You could just click on the session box to see the details on the right.


you could go to that client's 'Messages' at the top of her profile.

You would see in there the last feedback that she left you and reply to that feedback right from there or click on the session box to see the details on the right.

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