Add a new coach to your account

How to add another supervisor

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

If you're on the Pro plan or above, then you can have multiple coaches training your clients with you!

To add another supervisor:

  1. simply add that new person as a regular client in a sub-group* of your choice.

  2. let us know that person's email address, and we'll take care of upgrading their account to 'Supervisor'.

The new supervisor will have all the same features as you, except for billing and branding, which can only be managed by the owner.

*Did you know that you could create sub-groups for your account? Here's a resource that explains how sub-groups work.

Oftentimes, account owners (like you) prefer to give other coaches their own sub-group. That way the new trainer has his own group of clients, while you can oversee everything.

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