How to Use the Exercise Library

Efficiently use the search feature to find your exercises in TotalCoaching database

David Gill avatar
Written by David Gill
Updated over a week ago

Open the Exercise Library

To open and use the exercise library, you must go to a calendar, click on the + sign on any day, then select Animated session. It will open the session builder, with the exercise search panel on the right.

Search by Tag or by Exercise name

The easiest way to start searching for your exercise is to use the tags: first click on the search field, then you'll see a list of tags that will pop-up. Our tags are divided by muscle, equipment, and mouvement.

To search for a cardio exercise for instance: start typing in "Ca" for Cardio, then click on the Cardio tag.

You could also search by exercise name or keyword. To do so simply type in your keyword in the search field then hit 'Enter'.

Choose the type of animation you want

When you see the exercises in the search results, they will show up two types of animations for each exercise: a 3D animated one, and a Live video one.

You are able to set up a default one from your preference settings if you're planning to use the same: for that simply go to your Settings>Preferences>Edit your preferences> then select the default animation you wish to see.

Now you're ready to play around with the exercise search!

Check out the other tutorials below to go further!


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