Select multiple tickets in a plan to edit, duplicate, delete, or move tickets to a new position.
Option 1: Multi-Select Groups of Tickets
1. Select a group of tickets by clicking and holding in the background of the plan view.
2. When a blue dot flashes, immediately drag the mouse across a specific group of tickets.
3. Use the Multi-Select menu that appears to duplicate, edit, align, or delete tickets.
4. Click on a single ticket to drag the group of selected tickets to a new position on the plan.
5. Click anywhere on the plan view to de-select your group of tickets when done.
Option 2: Multi-Select tickets using Swim Lanes
1. Select the tickets in a Swim Lane by double-clicking on the Swim Lane name.
2. All tickets in the Swim Lane will be selected, click anywhere on the plan view to de-select the group of tickets.
Option 3: Multi-Select Individual Tickets
1. Select an individual ticket by double-clicking on the ticket.
2. Select two or more tickets to open the Multi-Select Menu.
3. To de-select a ticket from the group, double-click on the individual ticket.