PPC: Percent Plan Complete in the past 6 complete weeks. (# of Promises Made or # of Promises Met).
Benchmark PPC: The current PPC average for all active Touchplan projects.
Current Week Plan: The current week in the phase plan which assigns pins to all the tasks that need to be addressed.
Early Tasks: Tasks completed earlier than the planned end date.
Late Tasks: Tasks completed later than the planned end date.
Role’s Activity: Who has been active in the plan from your specific role and what have they been doing (creating tickets or constraints, updating pins, etc.)
Overdue Tasks: Any promised activity that has yet to be marked as completed.
Next Week Plan: The next Monday-Sunday period following the current week plan.
PPC Variances: List of the different Variance Reasons which caused tasks to be marked as late or early.
Project Overview Timeline: A visual view of all start and finish dates for each phase plan across a project.
Team Participation: Includes activity from every person in the project, you can view the team members that have added and/or updated tickets in the project within the last 140 days.
Plan for Today: Chart depicting all tickets that were planned for today within the project.
Top Performers: A ranking system amongst the different roles of the project, indicating which role has the best PPC.
Workly Week Promised (WWP): Track whether work is being promised on a regular basis