How to add a predecessor link:
Click into the dependent ticket
Right click on the predecessor ticket
Select Set as Predecessor
Choose the Dependency Type and adjust the Lag Days
Select Save
How to remove a predecessor link:
Click into the dependent ticket
Right-click on the predecessor ticket
Select Remove Predecessor
Click Save
How to edit an existing predecessor link:
Click into the dependent ticket
Right-click on the predecessor ticket
Select Edit Predecessor and edit the dependency
Click Save
Finish to Start: the predecessor ticket ends before the dependent ticket can begin.
Start to Start: the dependent ticket cannot begin until the predecessor ticket begins.
Finish to Finish: the dependent ticket cannot end until the predecessor ticket ends.
Start to Finish: the predecessor ticket cannot end until the dependent ticket begins.
Lag Days: the number of days delay between a predecessor and dependent activity.
Note: to create lead between two linked tickets, adjust the Lag Days to show negative days.
Note: to turn off the text on the link between two tickets, click Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Enable Dependency Text