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Constraint Insights

Track constraint ticket performance within a project using the Constraint Insights Dashboard

Sarah Cusack avatar
Written by Sarah Cusack
Updated over a year ago

The constraint insight dashboard allows admin users to closely track and analyze the project constraints and their performance all in one place. Admins can track a constraint, and their dependent tickets, as well if constraints are completed on time so the project schedule can stay on track.


Constraint Performance: the percent of constraint tickets that have been marked as complete.

Constraint Promises Kept: when the Need by Date is less than or equal to the Present Date AND the constraint is closed.

Constraint Promises Made: the total number of accepted constraints where the Need by Date is less than the Present Date

Constraint Log: a list of all constraints within the project and their information including Assigned To, Requested By, Planned Finish date, and more.

Constraint Risk: constraints with logic ties to other tickets

Overdue Constraints: constraints that have not been marked as completed as well as the number of days that constraint is overdue

Constraint Impacts: a list of tickets that with variance reasons that have a logic tie with a constraint ticket

Need by Date Filter: Use the Need By Date Filter to expand how far back the dashboard looks

To access the Constraint Insight Dashboard:

  1. Select the desired project

  2. Click on Ticket Insights at the top of the Project Insights Dashboard

  3. Select Constraint Insights at the top of the Ticket Insights page

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