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What's Your Highest & Best Use

When you close with Touchstone, consider your client babysitting outsourced.

Jack O'Donohue avatar
Written by Jack O'Donohue
Updated over a week ago

Real estate sales professionals are required to have different skills in order to be successful.

You need to be intimately familiar with your client’s needs, how those needs fit into the current marketplace and how to meet the minds to agree on a transaction.

And you know better than anyone, All of that can take A LOT of time!

Your time should be spent at your highest and best use. Babysitting your clients to get their closing documents in order, is probably not your highest and best use. Neither is trying to answer client questions about their closing. Questions, that in all likelihood, you may not have the answer to, and will have to spend time searching for!

When you close with Touchstone, consider your client babysitting outsourced.

  • Touchstone takes care of all document gathering and preparation

  • Touchstone is available to answer all client questions, comments or concerns. Anytime. We even have an AI knowledge database that your clients can access for those middle of the night questions.

Less time holding a client’s hand through a closing, means more time for you.

More time for you, means more selling for your next client, and your next client, and the next, next, next….

When you Close with Touchstone, you sell more!

Don’t wait for the moment you a FORCED to pick a closing agent. Think of us like a tool that you can keep in your back pocket for “when the time comes”. All you need to do is get in touch with us today.

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