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What is a domain name?

Domains play a pivotal role in shaping your online presence and influencing customer perceptions.

Tobi avatar
Written by Tobi
Updated over a year ago

A domain is more than just a web address; it's your digital storefront, the first impression of your brand, and here's why it matters

  1. Brand Identity: A custom domain is synonymous with professionalism and credibility. It solidifies your brand identity, making it memorable for your customers.

  2. Trust Builder: Customers tend to trust businesses with a unique and personalized domain. It establishes legitimacy and fosters confidence in your products or services.

  3. Direct Access: A custom domain simplifies the customer journey. It provides a direct and easy-to-remember link to your online store, ensuring a seamless experience.

Trackbudi's Current Domain Offering

As of now, Trackbudi empowers vendors to create domains using the extension. This feature provides a quick and convenient way for vendors to establish their online presence without the complexities of external domain providers.

Coming Soon: Purchase Your Domain on Trackbudi

Exciting developments are on the horizon! Trackbudi is gearing up to offer vendors the ability to purchase and pay for custom domains directly on the platform. This upcoming feature will provide vendors with enhanced flexibility and control over their online brand.

How to Leverage Domains on Trackbudi

  1. Create Your Trackbudi Domain: Utilize the current option to create a domain using the extension. This ensures your brand is accessible and recognizable online.

  2. Stay Informed: Keep an eye out for updates and announcements from Trackbudi as we roll out the feature to purchase custom domains. This will offer you additional tools to further enhance your e-commerce journey.

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