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New Partner Signup and Account

Steps for New Partner Signup

Updated this week

At a glance: This article will help partners register themselves on the Trackier Apptrove platform and guide them on the initial setup of the account.

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To start working with an advertiser or app owner partner needs to be registered with Trackier Apptrove. For new partners here are the steps to register as a partner on Trackier Apptrove, you can go to the Registration page and click on sign-up.

Immediately after completing the form, you will receive an email with your credentials which you can later change from your account settings.

Set-Up Instructions

The next step requires the partner to set up their account

  • Add basic details such as company name, contact number etc

  • Add social details such as website link, type, vertical

  • Name the tracking software that you use - It could be Trackier or any other

    Partner details form

Postback settings

  • Set your postback for install, in-app event and uninstall if needed.

    Postback Settings

  • Select the tracking platform.

  • Add your postback URL.

  • Set your parameters and respective macros against them. We support a complete set of macros which you can see from here.

    Basic Information

Note: All the parameters that you add will be appended in the postback URL.

Basic Information

Note: Once the same has been set up, wait for the Advertiser to approve you and assign apps for promotions.

  • Once you have the postback, you will get a "Test Postback" button. Click on it and see if you have received the postback. In case you did your account will be auto-approved. If you didn't receive any postback and therefore click on "No" you would be required to add your postback correctly.

    Postback configuration

Reports and Dashboard

  • The dashboard section will give you information about important metrics such as installs, revenue, impressions etc. You can see data coming via geographical locations and view trends for clicks and installs


  • The daily report will show the stats of daily traffic of clicks, impressions, installs etc. The event report will show all information about the in-app events triggered via your promotional campaigns for the advertiser. There are other reports as well such as uninstall, retention and fraud but that will be visible to a partner only when the app owner has given them permission to view the same.

  • Logs are the raw data for all the incoming traffic. Partner can see click, event, install and postback logs


Notes: The macros that we support can be found here

We are delighted to have assembled a world-class team of experienced professionals who are ready to take care of your queries and answer any questions you may have.
Feel free to reach out to us at any time by emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!

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