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Applying Tags to Trades

Learn how to apply tags to your trades in TradeZella to better track and analyze your trading setups and mistakes.

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Written by Team
Updated this week

Tagging helps you get the most out of your trade journal. They help you identify what setups you’re taking and what mistakes you’re making, providing an organized way of analyzing them.

You can add tags to your trades from the daily journal page and trade tracking page. You can also create and delete tags and tag categories from these pages.

Let’s go through each method:

Applying Tags from the Daily Journal Page

  • Navigate to the Daily Journal page.

  • Find the trade you want to tag.

  • Click on the “+” icon in the trade field under the tag field.

  • Select the appropriate tag(s) from the list or create a new tag if needed.

  • Click “Save” to apply the tag to your trade.

Applying Tags from the Trade Tracking Page

  • Navigate to the Trade Tracking page. You can navigate to the trade tracking page by clicking on the trade from the daily journal page or trades page.

  • Scroll to the bottom if the left trade sidebar.

  • In the tag section, locate the category to which you want to add a tag. Click on that tag category field and apply the tag(s) from the dropdown list.

  • Select the appropriate tag(s) from the list or create a new tag if needed.

  • Click “Save” to apply the tag to your trade.

By effectively using tags, you can analyze your trades more efficiently and gain valuable insights into your trading patterns. Check out the help article on analyzing tags here.

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