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Market Day Type Report

What is the Distribution by Day Type and Performance by Day Type report in TradeZella?

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Updated over a week ago

Market Day Type Report: Market Behavior

The Market Day Type Report shows your trade count grouped by the movement of the SPY ETF on the entry date of the trade.

  • Distribution by Day Type: This shows your trade count grouped by the movement of the SPY ETF on the entry date of the trade.

  • Performance by Day Type: This shows your total trade P/L grouped by the movement of the SPY ETF on the entry date of the trade

    Day types are categorized as follows:

  • Inside Range Day: When the trading range was within yesterday’s price range

  • Trend Up Day

  • Trend Down Day

  • Outside Range Day

    In the example above, we can see that most of my trades are taken on days where SPYs price moved outside of it's usual price range, and this was also the range that I made the most profit.

    Tip: Click on one of the bars from the report to be taken to a filtered view of those trades the report is reflecting.

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