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Why invest in the stock market?
Why invest in the stock market?
Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over a week ago

Investing in the stock market is important for people that wish to build a healthy financial future. The main reason for investing in stocks is to make money. There are many ways you can invest but the stock market usually offers the highest returns. Some people keep money in the bank making little to no interest, while safe, when inflation is factored in, these individuals are actually losing money. Assume you make 1% a year in the bank, if that. Then factor in 3% inflation a year. The safe investor is actually losing 2% per year. Investing in the stock market can make returns in excess of 10% a year, though it does carry risk. Anyone looking to invest in the stock market needs to understand that risk. As the economic picture continues to remain bleak, investing wisely in the stock market is the only way to ensure a successful, unstressed future. Without investing, no couple or individual will be able to retire and live comfortably. While investing carries risk, the key to minimizing that risk is to find a service that can help you avoid investing pitfalls. Learning from the pros is the best way to excel and profit. Make sure to avoid the hype in the media, instead focus on the true pros that invest, swing trade and day trading for a living.

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