How to Upload a POD

Desktop and Mobile Instructions

Nina Zegelbone avatar
Written by Nina Zegelbone
Updated over a week ago

Desktop Instructions

Navigate to the "My Loads" page and click on the load you want to upload a POD for. The load will most likely be in the Delivered Tab.

Click on the load you are trying to add the POD to.

On the Load Detail page, the POD will be in the Documents section. Click on the Upload New Document, you would have the ability to upload the following documents:

Your computer's documents window will automatically open. Select the file of your POD and hit "Open"

You will then see your POD attached to the load. You can hit the "Replace POD" button if you want to change it. To the right of the attachment, it will read "In Review" until the POD has been reviewed and approved by Transfix.

Rejected POD

If a load was uploaded and you haven't got paid, please check to see if the POD was rejected. You can also view the reason by clicking on "View Rejection Reason".


Mobile Instructions

From the home screen, tap the "Docs Needed" button at the top of the screen. This will bring you to a list of all loads that are missing documents.

Tap on the load you want to upload a POD for, then tap the "Upload Proof of Delivery" button.

Tap the "Add Image" button and select if you would like to "take a photo" or "choose from library"

Select the photo (or take a photo) of your POD and hit "Submit Proof of Delivery".

You should then see the message "Proof of Delivery sent successfully!"

If you need further assistance, please email your POD to or for technical assistance, please email or click the messenger icon to speak to a team member.

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