What is an "Itinerary View"?

Learn more about the definition of "Itinerary Views" and how they are calculated.

Scott Rutz avatar
Written by Scott Rutz
Updated over a week ago

The legal stuff...

An "Itinerary View” is defined as unique access of a single web builder itinerary, web shareable itinerary, PDF download itinerary, mobile application itinerary, or embedded itinerary per method and device per day. A “Day” means a period of time from midnight to midnight, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

In plain English...

Whenever anyone views a unique itinerary this counts as a view. However, we only count one view per method and device per day.

As an example, if you have a client who views the same itinerary on their phone via mobile app 45 times in a given day, this counts as 1 view.

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