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CSV Formatting: Importing Places and Content to your Library
CSV Formatting: Importing Places and Content to your Library

Follow these instructions/steps to format your CSV file correctly to import Places or Content into your Travefy Library.

Scott Rutz avatar
Written by Scott Rutz
Updated over a week ago

If you are needing a one-time import of your own data Travefy can offer a one-time import. See details here

CSV File Template For Places/Content

CSV File Specifications 

Column Headers: Field Type


  2. Name: String

  3. URL: String 

  4. Description: String

  5. IsActive: True / False

  6. ImageUrl: String

  7. LatitudeRaw: Decimal

  8. LongitudeRaw: Decimal

  9. PriceRaw: Decimal

  10. CurrencyCode: String

  11. SearchAttributesRaw: DEPRECATED - LEAVE BLANK

  12. ImageUrlsRaw: Strings separated by "|" ... (e.g. imageURL|imageURL|imageURL|...)

  13. TopLevelCategoriesRaw: DEPRECATED - LEAVE BLANK

  14. DescriptionAttributesRaw: DEPRECATED - LEAVE BLANK

  15. Address: String

  16. CityRaw: String

  17. StateRaw: String

  18. CountryRaw: String

  19. ZipCodeRaw: String


  21. Phone: String

Important Notes For Preparing Your CSV File:

Any commas within any fields need to be wrapped in quotes to appropriately support CSV format.
Any HTML or text formatting (e.g. bold, italic) will be removed upon import and is not supported.

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