Avanti Destinations Itineraries and quotes are supported by our PUSH Method and can be exported directly from Avanti's Agent Portal to your Travefy account. To export a quote from Avanti to Travefy, passenger names must be added to the Avanti booking to generate a reference number.
Note: If you export an itinerary from Avanti, make edits to that trip in Travefy, then re-export that same trip, it will overwrite any changes you've made manually in Travefy for that trip.
Also note: Your email address for the Avanti Destinations Agent Portal Login and your Travefy Login must match exactly the same in case and format.
To do so, please follow the below steps:
1. Authorize your Travefy Account
To do this, copy this link: https://travefy.com/account/authorize/avanti and paste this link in the address bar of your browser. Click "confirm" to confirm the authorization.
2. Open your itinerary in the Agent Portal
Open the itinerary you want to export in your Agent Portal
Then select by Email Passenger Day By Day Itinerary.
4. Click on TRAVEFY
It will be at the top right-hand side of your screen.
Your page will reload and there will be a notice that your Itinerary exported to Travefy successfully.
A new itinerary with the Avanti Destinations information will be available upon logging in to your Travefy account.