1. Go to the Team tab
The team tab will be in your account settings.
2. Click on Add or Remove Team Members
It will be in the top right corner, underneath the Travefy banner.
3. Select the appropriate option
If you have a team seat available, you will be able to proceed onto step 4.
If you do not have a team seat available, and see the below message, click here.
4. Type in name and email address
Type in the name and email address of the team member you'd like to add.
5. Click on +Add
Once you've typed in the name and email address of your potential team member, click on +Add, and the price to add them to the team will display on the right-hand side.
If you're happy with the amount, clicking on Confirm Changes will invite the team member and incur the charge for the total due today.
The prorated amount will be determined by taking the amount of time remaining until your renewal date and use that to calculate what you'll be charged.
Price = (Remaining Days Until Renewal / Total Days In Your Subscription) * Base Rate * Discount
Discount info about adding new team members can be found here: Volume Pricing For Teams and Multiple Agents
If you have another discount applied to your account such as an agency rate, the greater of the two discounts will be applied. They do not stack.
"You have no team seats remaining"
If you see a message stating that you have no team seats remaining, click on buy more seats.
Once you have done so, you'll be able to select the number of seats you'd like to purchase and confirming your changes.
After you've purchased an additional seat, you can continue the instructions above. Click here to continue!