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How to Set Up Domain Masking
How to Set Up Domain Masking

How to set up a custom domain in your account

Matt Bishop avatar
Written by Matt Bishop
Updated over a week ago

Travefy allows you to use a domain that you own in two places.

One is your website's address such as

Another is the URL your clients see when sharing an itinerary, proposal, or form link with them. Example:

Some terms we'll define first:


This is the .com name that you purchase. In our example above, is the domain! Travefy does not provide domains, and it will need to be purchased elsewhere.

DNS Record

A DNS record is a piece of information you can change and input on your Domain's side. This means that if you purchase your domain through GoDaddy, then all DNS changes will happen on GoDaddy.

'A' Name Record

This is a type of DNS record that -when added correctly- will make your Travefy-built website covered with your purchased domain instead of Travefy! For example: Instead of as the URL, it will be your purchased domain, like above!

'C' Name Record

This is a type of DNS record that -when added correctly- can make your Travefy forms and trips covered with your purchased domain instead of Travefy! For example: Instead of, it will be!

You will also use C Name Records to make your website accessible as a www.! If you do not add the C Name record specifically for www., going to will not work.

Now let's get started!

Note: If the website/landing page you're building with Travefy's website builder will be your primary website, follow this first set of instructions. If you have another website that shares the domain you want to use with your Travefy site, skip to Option B below.

Option A

1. Purchase a domain from a provider like GoDaddy or Google Domains.

2. Go to your Domain Masking settings in your Travefy account

There are two ways to get there!

#1. In Travefy, go to and click your Name, then Account.

On the next page, click Settings and then Setup Domain.

#2. In Travefy, go to and click on Pages in the top left corner.

On the Website page, click the little cog in the top left corner.

From there, under the General tab, click on Setup Domain.

3. Enable Custom Domain and input domain information

Click on Enable Custom Domain

From there, select the second option in Step 1 and input your domain and click on Save Domain.

Note: You cannot put www in this box. Do not put www. and then your domain. Only put your domain name and then .com.

4. Add an A Record in your domain provider's DNS area

Note: Your domain provider's dashboard could look slightly different from what's pictured.

Log in to the account you have with your domain provider and find the area that allows you to edit your DNS settings.

Click the edit button that's in the same row as your A record. If there is no A record, you'll want to add one using the Add button. You will want to have only one A record. Having multiple A records will cause problems.

Note: If you are unable to edit or delete unwanted A records, customer support for these domain providers is usually able to do that from their side.

After clicking "edit", add Travefy's IP address ( into the Data field and either add an @ symbol in the name field or leave it blank (this will depend on the domain provider). In GoDaddy, you'll use the "@" symbol. In Google Domains, you usually leave the name field blank.

5. Add a CNAME Record

Sometimes this will already be done for you. But you will want to have a CNAME record that has "www" in the Name field and your domain in the data field.


6. Test Settings

After a few minutes, go back into Travefy and click Test Settings. You should get a success message if the instructions were followed correctly!

7. Wait 24 hours

This will give your domain provider and Travefy time to sync up. During that time, you'll notice issues like landing on the Trips page when typing in your domain or you might notice your site's SSL certificate isn't set. This is normal. Don't touch anything in either account. If things still aren't working after that 24-hour period, message or set up a domain masking session to get help from our support team!


Option B: Only Do This If You Have Another Site You Want To Use With The Same Domain

1. Enable Custom Domain and input domain information

Instead of choosing the second option from step 3 above, you'll choose the first option.

After saving your domain, you'll see this screen.

2. Add a CNAME Record

In your domain provider's DNS dashboard, add a CNAME record. You'll use "trips" for the Name field and the value you find in your Travefy account for the Value field.

3. Test Settings

After a few minutes, go back into Travefy and click Test Settings. You should get a success message if everything went according to plan.

7. Wait 24 hours

This will give your domain provider and Travefy time to sync up. During that time, you'll notice issues like landing on the Trips page when typing in your domain or you might notice your site's SSL certificate isn't set. This is normal. Don't touch anything in either account. If things still aren't working after that 24-hour period, message or set up a domain masking session to get help from our support team!

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