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2023 Release Notes
2023 Release Notes
Jonathan Johnson avatar
Written by Jonathan Johnson
Updated over a week ago

January 2023


  • Various backend improvements

  • Implemented a fix to enable users to minimize the support / chat window in the builder

  • Added formatting enhancements when viewing an un-masked credit card number to improve usability

  • Implemented a formatting update for Tourplan booking imports

  • Various UI/UX improvements in the web app

  • Restoring deleted library items

  • Bug Fixes For:

    • Not being able to clear the places search bar on events in the library

    • Long descriptions for elements in the website builder not scrolling correctly

    • Adding custom fields in Contacts

    • Being prompted to login to view a shared library item when already logged in

    • Hosts and collaborators on trips being able to send chat messages when chat is disabled, resulting in 500 errors

  • Website builder now supports a TikTok image/link to enable users to more easily share their social media

  • Email formatting updates when sending a form

February 2023


  • Various backend improvements

  • Bug fixes for:

    • Having a lot of text in an event's title causes the move icon to be tiny. Now they will all be the same size regardless of title length

    • Not being able to export multiple bookings in the same itinerary from Clientbase

    • Receiving timeout errors when trying to import large file of contacts into a trip

    • Ensuring the dates on the PDF itinerary are correct when the international date line is enabled

    • Ensuring clients who login via the Travefy web app do not see the Tasks due icon

    • If you duplicate a task list, the tasks are not duplicated and changing a task in one list impacts tasks in both lists

  • Added a limit of 50 characters when adding a new label in the builder

March 2023


  • Various backend improvements

  • Bug fixes for:

    • In the API, ensuring the Info & Docs section is created if a trip is created through the API and doesn’t include a trip days array

    • Ensuring the Trip Feedback enablement status is checked prior to sending Trip Feedback emails

April 2023


  • General release of Invoicing

  • Notification emails for paid invoices


  • Various backend updates

  • Bug fixes for:

    • Mobile users receiving an error when they try to toggle their chat notification settings

    • Scrolling issues on forms

    • Copying library items that hit the character limit with their title

    • Ensuring published buttons display correctly and point to the correct page

May 2023


  • Released expanded hotel content and images as part of Travefy’s hotel database, including lodging search enhancements

  • Ability to share Task Lists as Library Items


  • “Task Due” reminder emails now take the user to the “View All Tasks Lists” when they click on the email

  • UI updates for the support chat notifications

  • Updates to improve usability in the itinerary / proposal builder, such as for drag and drop and scrolling

  • Bug fixes for:

    • Imaging formatting issues when viewing websites on mobile devices

    • Footer in the website builder showing an error when adding buttons with external links and no icon

June 2023


  • Ability for users to auto-save trips in the Trip Plans mobile app

  • For the Travefy Pro mobile app, users are able to navigate from the app to the trip builder in the web app without having to login again (if they are already logged into the mobile app)

  • Saved Trip Invites Messages. Features include:

    • Ability to create and save trip invite messages from the builder and library

    • Ability to import saved messages when composing a trip invite message from the builder


  • Various backend updates

  • Updated website navigation to include option to navigate to “Pages” (formerly “Websites”). Additional updates also made for improved usability from the navigation and Account Settings options.

  • UI updates to the credit card authorization form

  • Fixes for:

    • Titles not showing up on a shared itinerary

    • Enter key not saving a quick-added Task due time in Firefox and Safari

    • Task flyout visibility on tablet devices

    • Ideas showing duplicate information in the builder and missing information on the shared itinerary

July 2023


  • Updated the Trip Sidebar in the Proposal & Itinerary Builder, enabling users to perform the following actions and more from the Trip List:

    • Update trip name and settings

    • Add clients and collaborators to a trip

    • Send trip invite messages

    • Communicate with clients and view comments

  • Added additional permissions functionality for platform users to enable invoicing for their teams

  • Integration with ALGV (ALG Vacations), enabling authorized users to import bookings from the following ALGV brands:

    • Apple Vacations

    • Funjet Vacations

    • Travel Impressions

    • Southwest Vacations

    • Blue Sky Tours

    • United Vacations


  • Various backend improvements

  • UI improvements for drag and drop functionality in the builder

  • Users adding a teammate to the people modal will not receive a notification that they were added as a collaborator instead

  • Ability to edit a client in the "people" modal in builder that doesn't have an email address

  • Added better error handling for when a user enters more than 500 characters in the invoice memo field

  • Fixes for:

    • Receiving an message when trying to resend an invite to a trip collaborator

    • Display issues when trying to view saved messages in the trip builder

    • UI improvements when viewing long days in the builder

    • Admins receiving an error message when trying to view trips from former team members

August 2023


  • Released Trip Analytics insights to the web and Travefy Pro mobile app. Features include:

    • Users can now see aggregated user views across client itinerary, landing pages / websites, forms, and shared library items.

    • From the web, users can view aggregated user views by going to Account > Usage then selecting the User Views tab.

    • In the Travefy Pro mobile app, users will see an updated home screen that includes a summary of the number of tasks due, in addition to charting and graphs that show a breakdown of user view activity.

  • Multi Events are now called Days. With this change, users will now see the following:

    • A sun icon replaces the notepad icons for days

    • Users can see a preview of how many events are on a day before adding it

    • Other various UI enhancements


  • Various backend updates and bug fixes

  • For users who have enabled invoicing in their Travefy account, the ability to view invoices in Travefy that were created in Stripe initially

  • Performance improvements for copying trips

  • UI enhancements in the Account - Usage Tab

  • Permission Updates to enable teammates to see User View analytics in the Account - Usage tab

  • UI enhancements to the login flow when clients sign in to shared itinerary

  • Fixes for:

    • The edit status button on the trips list not displaying

    • Buttons not working to add trips/forms on websites/marketing profile

    • Duplicating tasks

    • Issues with filtering labels in Contacts

    • Currency changing to USD on events when copying a trip

    • Platform not carrying over when copying a trip

September 2023


  • Added the ability to drill down to child events and ideas when viewing library items in the builder


  • Various backend changes and improvements

  • Drag and drop enhancement in the trip builder

  • Fixes for:

    • platform checkboxes not working correctly on the trip filters side bar

October 2023


  • Ability to create automated work flows. This feature enables users to create automations for forms and trip invites on trips, task lists and contacts.


  • Various backend changes and improvements

  • Users can now use the same slug for marketing profiles and websites

  • Various updates for cruise data

  • Improved warning messages for invalid automations

  • Long trip names are now truncated in the website builder

  • Long-named forms that require an eSignature will appear with the padlock icon and a truncated name in the website builder

  • In the website builder, both the Share button and directly copying the video's URL will show a thumbnail for Youtube videos

  • In the Builder, users can hit enter to save a new contact or edit an existing contact instead of having to click the "add to trip" button

  • Update to trip PDFs to include "Check-In/Check-Out" and "Arrival/Departure" labels on Lodging and Transport events

  • Fixes for:

    • Enabling users to change the automation type for automations created from the Tasks page when no default message is set

    • The "Your Custom Domain is Ready" email

    • Saved messages being inaccessible for teams

    • 2FA warning displayed on forms when secure data is not turned on

    • Not being able to add a profile image using the new account modal

    • Login issues for private tagged trips

  • UI updates for:

    • automation type icons

    • website builder

    • New Message button in the Saved Messages drop down

November 2023


  • Ability to embed Calendly URLs in forms and landing pages

  • Itineraries are now supported in the Library. Features include the ability to:

    • Save a trip to your library

    • Create an itinerary in your library

    • Import an itinerary from your library to a trip

    • Share an itinerary from your library

  • Ability to add multiple info & docs to an itinerary and library itinerary (includes the ability to drag and drop a section to the beginning or end of days)

  • Credit Card Authorization forms now support relative authorization dates


  • Various backend changes and improvements

  • Ability to add a custom message to a form email

  • Task count updates correctly as tasks are marked completed

  • Improved UI and navigation for the Library menu dropdown

  • UI improvements for the Add button flyout when adding an automation, task, or task list to a trip

  • Authorization Description is now displayed when viewing a form response either on a contact or on the form in the library

  • Manual tasks set with current due date and a time in the past now show as overdue and do not display the reminder toggle

  • Fixes for:

    • Joining a trip from the shared itinerary not updating the "viewed on web" icon

    • Library items were uneditable if they were added to a user's library from a different team

December 2023


  • Navigation updates for proposals and shared itineraries

  • Bulk editing for trip days and compact view for editing events in the builder

  • Ability for users to enable their clients to specify an authorization amount in credit card authorization forms

  • Ability for users to enter default Credit Card Authorization values


  • Various backend changes and improvements

  • UI updates for Smart Fields on forms

  • Various updates to the cruise and tour search

  • Various fixes / UI updates for:

    • Enabling info and docs sections to be duplicated when the multi-select feature is being used in the trip builder's day list

    • Ensuring a saved default message that is deleted no longer shows as the default message in a trip invite

    • UI updates for trips without cover photos

    • Tasks

    • Formatting of custom messages when sending a form

    • Improved warning messages for automations

    • Importing Expedia TAAP Bookings

    • Enabling users to remove an automation template from a task list in the library

    • Fix to prevent map data being lost when a place is saved to the library

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