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All About Role Management in the Latest Version of Treez
All About Role Management in the Latest Version of Treez
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 12 months ago

Please Note: This article pertains to functionality in the Latest Version of Treez. If you are not yet on the Latest Version of Treez, you will need to click this link for Role Management.

Role Management is an enhancement to SellTreez User Groups. In Role Management (formerly User Groups), permissioned users will be able to Add, View and/or Edit Roles and their associated permissions. Roles can then be assigned to Users to ensure that employees have just the right permissions to seamlessly perform their job duties. Treez has provided several “default” roles with curated permissions based on key areas of functionality. Roles, and their permissions, can also easily be customized to tailor access to match your business needs.

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Role Management Fields

Role Name - This required field is used to give Roles a friendly, readable name.

Role Description - This optional field is used to provide context on what the role’s intended use is. It may be a good practice to provide some information on what the roles permissions are at a high level.

Permissions - Roles are assigned Permissions which then dictate what a user assigned to a given role is allowed to do within Treez.


Guide to Permissioning

Permissions in the Latest Version of Treez allows users to assign more granular permissions to roles than it did before. In legacy SellTreez User Groups, permissions were specific to pages so any user who has the User Management permission would have Add, View, Edit and Delete access to that page.

In the Latest Version of Treez, the new User Management, Role Management and Org Management modules have granular permissions for Add, View, Edit and Delete, where available.

The remaining permissions from SellTreez conveniently offer the same 1 click access, which allows for a familiar experience and speedy role configuration.

MSOs will have to consolidate the roles of many stores into a list of master roles.

  • Inevitably there will likely be some variance on these roles

  • Organizations ideally would consolidate and standardize on the roles and associated permissions

  • Optionally, if there is a special case where they do need different permissions for similar roles at various stores, they can make roles for each store by cloning which creates a copy and ensures the role name is standardized although the permissions can be different depending upon individual store needs.

MSOs should review the default roles and associated permissions. If these closely match your desired roles, simply update the default roles to get moving more quickly.

Please Note: Since the user import for MSOs requires that the admin select default roles and cannot select a non-default role, this is the fastest path for customers as they will only need to update the roles and not the user to role associations.

Get Started

  • Review the default roles and their permissions by Editing an Existing Role

  • Update the name, description and permissions of any Role to align with the Role structure of your organization

  • Add a New Role for any custom roles your organization requires.

You can now assign Users to Roles in User Management

Understanding Default Roles

Treez has provided a selection of predefined “default” roles with relevant permissions based on our customers real world use cases. These default roles are inserted into each organization's Role Management at the time the organization was created. Default roles can be updated by users to match their businesses unique needs, we understand that one size doesn't always fit all.

Click here to learn more about Default Roles.

Navigating to Role Management

Please note: Prerequisites a user MUST have are Role permissions which allows the user to view active roles.

Login to the Latest Version of Treez and navigate to the Organizations Settings Icon. Click on Role Management.

Adding a New Role

Adding a new role in Role Management allows users to easily create new roles that are customized for the organization's business needs.

Please note: Prerequisites a User MUST have are the READ role permission and the CREATE Role permission which allows a user to add a new role.

  • Click the “Add User Role” button in the upper right corner of the Role Management screen

  • Enter a friendly name for in the “Name” Field

  • (OPTIONAL) Enter a description of this Role in the “Description” field

  • Click the “Next” button in the bottom of the Add New Role screen

  • Expanding each modules Permission Set using the carrot icons on the right side of each Permission Set

  • Assign Permissions to the Role you are creating by checking the box to the right side of each individual permission you would like to add. Permissions with a green checkmark will be assigned to the role after Role Creation is completed. Permissions with an empty checkbox will NOT be assigned to the Role after Role creation is completed

  • To go back to the User Role Info screen before saving a Role, click the “User Role Info” button in the bottom left of the Permissions screen.

  • Click “Close” in the top left of the screen at anytime to close the screen and discard any changes you have made

  • Click the “Finish”button at the bottom of the Add Role screen to save the role name, description and assigned permissions

NOTE: When creating a role, no data is saved until a user has completed the Add User Role workflow AND clicked the “finish” button. IF the user navigates away from this page or otherwise closes it before clicking “Finish”, the new role will NOT be saved.

Editing an Existing Role

Please note: Prerequisites a user MUST have are the UPDATE Role permission which allows the user to edit roles.

  • Navigate to the Role Management screen

  • Click on the 3 dots (kebob) icon to the right of any Role you wish to edit

  • Click the Edit button from the flyout menu that appears after clicking the 3 dots icon

  • (Optional) Update the Name and/or Description field

  • Click the Next button at the bottom of the Edit Existing Role screen

  • (Optional) Update the Permissions assigned to this role by checking or unchecking the boxes to the right of each Permission

  • To go back to the User Role Info screen before saving a Role, click the “User Role Info” button in the bottom left of the Permissions screen.

  • Click “Close” in the top left of the screen at anytime to close the screen and discard any changes you have made.

  • Click the Finish button at the bottom of the Edit Role screen to save your changes.

NOTE: When editing a role, no data is saved until a user has completed the Add User Role workflow AND clicked the “finish” button. IF the user navigates away from this page or otherwise closes it before clicking “Finish”, the new role will NOT be saved.

Duplicating a Role (Cloning)

Duplicating a role allows users to easily make copies of existing roles which mirror the permissions of the cloned role. This makes it easier to customize similar roles that require slightly more or less access than the cloned role.

Please note: Prerequisites a user MUST have are the CREATE Role permissions which allows the user to create a role.

  • Navigate to the Role Management screen

  • Click on the 3 dots (kebob) icon to the right of any Role you wish to edit

  • Click “Duplicate” from the flyout menu

  • In the Add New Role screen, enter a Name (Required) and a Description (Optional) for the new role

  • Click the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen

  • Check or uncheck any of the permissions to customize the role to suite the users business needs

  • Click the “Finish” button at the bottom of the screen to create the new role and save the permissions assignment

Please note: To go back to the User Role Info screen before saving a Role, click the “User Role Info” button in the bottom left of the Permissions screen.

Click “Close” in the top left of the screen at anytime to close the screen and discard any changes you have made

NOTE: When editing a role, no data is saved until a user has completed the Add User Role workflow AND clicked the “finish” button. If the user navigates away from this page or otherwise closes it before clicking “Finish”, the new role will NOT be saved.

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