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SellTreez: Resolving Refunds in the Purchasing Module
SellTreez: Resolving Refunds in the Purchasing Module
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 12 months ago

The Refunds page has a list of items that were returned at the point of sale or destroyed in Inventory Control that didn’t have a credit note created for them. To resolve a refund and remove it from the list, decide if you want to add a credit note for it or dismiss it without adding credit.

The items you resolve (and the actions you took) on the Refunds page are recorded in the Log Page.

To get to the Refunds page, navigate to Inventory > Purchasing, then select Refunds from the tabs shown across the top of the screen.

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Navigating the Refunds Page

  • In the list, each row contains an item that was returned or destroyed (but hasn’t been resolved yet by adding a credit note or dismissing) and includes key details such as:

    • The user who returned/destroyed the product.

    • The distributor and invoice # the item came from.

    • The item’s product name and category.

    • The item’s tracking ID.

  • You can search in the upper right-hand corner to narrow down the list of items.


Resolving Refunds

Add Credit or Dismiss

To resolve an item in the table, use the buttons on the right side of the row to select which action you want to take:

  • Tap Add Credit to enter the amount you want to be credited to you from the distributor for this item.

  • Tap Dismiss to acknowledge that you don’t want to add a credit note for the returned/destroyed item.


Resolve Multiple Items at Once

  • To add credit for multiple items at once, select items using the checkbox to the left of each item row then tap Add Credit to Multiple.

TIP: You can only add credit for multiple items if they’re from the same distributors.

  • To dismiss items in mass, select multiple items using the checkbox to the left of each item row (or select the checkbox at the top left of the table to select every item) and tap Dismiss at the bottom of the page.


Contact a Distributor

If you hover over the distributor's name on this page, you’ll see any representative information you added to the distributor card. Click on their email address to begin drafting an email to the distributor.


The Log Page

The Log page is where the items you resolve (and the actions you took) on the Refunds page are recorded. You can also revert any refunds that you dismissed in error and would like to create a credit note for.

  • To get to the Log page, navigate to Inventory > Purchasing, then select Log from the tabs shown across the top of the screen.


Navigating the Log Page

  • Each row in the table represents an item that was resolved on the Refunds page and includes details about the item and how the item was resolved.

    • The column ‘Credit Created’ displays the amount of credit entered on the Refunds page. If the item was dismissed it will display $0.00.

    • The column ‘Reported by’ displays the name of the user who resolved the item in Refunds.

  • To narrow down the list of items, in the upper right corner you can enter a search term or select a date range.


Reverting Resolved Refunds

To undo the action taken on an item in the Refunds page, find it in the list and click the icon in the Revert column. The item will then be removed from the Log and appear on the Refunds page to be resolved again.


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