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All About Invoices
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 12 months ago

Invoices are how you intake inventory into your Treez portal. On the Invoices page, you can manage previously created invoices and create new invoices.
To get to the Invoices page, navigate to Inventory > Purchasing. The Invoice page is the default tab in the Purchasing module.


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Navigating the Invoices Page

On the Invoices page is a table with all your previously created invoices. Each invoice has its own row — tap anywhere on a row to view the selected invoice.

  • Snapshot Summary

    • Across the top of the page are your invoice totals:

      • Total Outstanding Balance: The total unpaid amount owed to distributors from your accepted invoices.

      • Total Draft Balance: The total unpaid amount from draft invoices.

  • Filters and Sorting

    • Clicking the blue filter button in the upper-right hand corner will display available filters and column search bars so you can quickly find the invoices you’re looking for. These are shown under each column header.

    • You can filter for a specific date range using the date range filter in the upper-right hand corner. The search bar to the left of the date filter also allows you to search by Invoice ID, Distributor, or Status.

    • The default sort is by the date the invoice was created, with the newest invoices shown first. Click the sort arrow to the right of the 'Created Date' column header to change the direction of the sort and have the oldest invoices displayed first.

  • Pages

    • By default, 25 invoices will be shown per page. Scroll to the bottom of the list to navigate between pages or change how many invoices are displayed per page.



Navigating an Invoice

From the Invoices page, click on any row to view that invoice. On each invoice page, you can:

  • View and edit invoice details

  • Add, remove, and edit items

  • Attach and view documents

  • Make payments



Invoice Details

When viewing an invoice, the invoice details are displayed across the top of your screen. This includes basic information such as distributor name and license information, what location the inventory should be accepted into, payment terms, and any notes you've added.

  • To edit this information or take other actions on the entire invoice — like applying fees and/or discounts — click the vertical three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.


Under the Invoice Details are 3 tabs: Items, Documents, and Payments. These all contain information about the invoice you're viewing.



This tab is the default when viewing an invoice, and will show a list of all items already added. You can add more items by clicking the orange + button.

Once products are added to the invoice, each will be displayed as a line item on the list. Each line item has a color code denoting the receiving status on the far left-hand side of the row, so you can easily see what stage it's in.

  • Yellow: A yellow tab indicates that some required information is missing.

  • Green: Line items turn green once all of the necessary information has been entered. You won’t be able to accept an invoice until every line item is green.

  • Gray: After you accept an invoice, each line will turn gray to let you know the items have been successfully added to your inventory.

  • Blue: For states with an active track and trace system, a blue tab will indicate that a product has been imported from the 3rd party tracking system but must be assigned to a product in Treez before the invoice can be accepted.

Clicking the vertical three dots on the far right-hand side of each product's line opens an action menu that gives you the option to select:

  • Edit Inventory: Opens the inventory card so you can edit shipment-level details about the incoming items

  • Print: Opens a pop-up for printing the item's inventory labels

  • Delete: Removes the product from the invoice

The invoice total and subtotal are displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen — to expand this and see a cost breakdown, click View Details in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.



In the documents tab, you can upload files related to the invoice (e.g. test results, shipping manifests, signed paperwork, etc.) at any time by clicking the orange + button in the lower right-hand corner. Once documents are added, a list of any files you've uploaded will show on this page.

To view a document, click the eye icon on the right-hand side of the file's row.

To edit a document, click the horizontal three dots on the far right-hand side of the file's row and then select Edit to change the name or select Delete to remove it from the invoice.




This tab shows a list of all the payments made on the invoice. You can edit payment notes by clicking the Edit icon on the far right-hand side of the row.

TIP: Once payment is completed, the only field you'll be able to edit is Notes.



Creating an Invoice

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices tab.

Step 2: In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, click the orange + button.

NOTE: This step creates your invoice in Draft status. You can navigate away from the page and any changes will be saved automatically.

Step 3: Fill out the 'Edit Invoice' details card that opens from the right side of the screen. If you’re unsure of any of this information, you can leave it blank and come back to it later by clicking on the vertical three dots in the top right-hand corner of the invoice.

  • Invoice Details (Invoice #__)
    Input the invoice's basic details such as distributor name and license information, what location the inventory should be accepted into, and payment terms.

NOTE: Before being able to select distributors or payment terms from their respective drop-downs, they’ll first need to be created. Distributors can be created by heading to Inventory > Distributor Management, while payment terms can be established by navigating to Configurations > Config Page > Distributors. Click here to learn more about creating distributors

  • Discounts & Fees
    If the invoice is subject to any discounts or fees, add them here. Discounts and fees are distributed evenly across all line items on the invoice, which changes each item's cost. You can apply any number of discounts/fees to a single invoice.

TIP: Sometimes, a discount/fee will result in an uneven decimal (eg. a $10 discount distributed across 3 line items shown in the example below), which means the system needs to round the amount to the nearest tenth of a cent. When this occurs, your expected total balance may be off by a couple of cents compared to your actual outstanding balance. Hovering over the discount/fee amount on each line will display the unrounded amount for additional clarity.

  • Receipt
    This displays a breakdown of the balance you owe on this invoice. When you make payments for this invoice, it'll be reflected on the 'Amount Paid' line.

  • Notes
    Click the edit icon on the right-hand side of this section to add any notes to the invoice.

Once you've completed the details on the 'Edit Invoice' card, click anywhere outside the card to return to the invoice.

NOTE: To edit the invoice details from the invoice page, click the vertical 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner of the invoice and then select Edit.

Step 4: Click the orange + button.

TIP: If you are adding inventory to a deli-style bulk flower product, visit this article to learn how.

Step 5: Check the box in the 'Select' column for each product you'd like to add. When you've selected all the products, hit the green Add # Products button in the lower right-hand corner. You can continue adding more products to the invoice at any time before accepting it by clicking the orange + button again from the invoice.

NOTE: If you’re purchasing a product for the first time, you can create the product from the invoice's product list. Click the orange + button in the lower right-hand corner when viewing the list of available products to add to the invoice.

Step 6: Enter the base cost per unit and the number of units you're receiving on each product line.

TIP: Treez will automatically populate a TraceTreez ID in the ‘TraceTreez ID’ field.

Step 7: Make any edits to the incoming inventory by clicking the vertical 3 dots on the appropriate product line, and then selecting Edit Inventory.

TIP: You can also edit the inventory information after you've completed receiving the invoice. This is editable at any time from the Inventory Control page.

Step 8: Once each line item is complete, click Accept All.

Step 9: In the 'Print Labels' pop-up that appears, select your desired label size and printer and then click Print. The quantities will be auto-filled to the number you're accepting of each product.

NOTE: Be sure to stick a label on every unit before storing or placing items on the retail floor. The unique relationship between each item's tracking ID and its Treez inventory barcode allows Treez to recognize which shipment each item is being sold from. (Otherwise, you'll be required to manually select the associated shipment for every item you add to a customer's cart, which is the most common cause of inventory discrepancies.) Read more about the importance of inventory barcodes here.


Invoicing Inventory Imported from Metrc

For a video walkthrough of this process, visit LearnTreez Inventory Training

Step 1: In your Treez portal, navigate to Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices tab.

Step 2: Click the orange + button in the lower right-hand corner, and then select Import from Metrc.


Step 3: Click into either the Manifests (default) or the Packages tab to import an entire manifest with a single click, or select packages individually for import. Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side to select which manifests/packages you'd like to import, and then click the green Import Selected button.

TIP: If you have a large number of available packages, you can use the blue filter button to open Product Name and Package Label search.


Step 4: Select the distributor, and then click Create Invoice.

Step 5: Enter the base cost per unit and the number of units you're receiving on each product line.

Step 6: Click the Assign (2 blue arrows) button, and select the corresponding Treez product for the Metrc line item you're receiving. If you haven't yet created this product in Treez, you can do so from the invoice by clicking the orange + button in the lower right-hand corner. Click the green Assign Product button.

TIP: Treez will recognize if any Metrc items have been previously assigned to a Treez product and automatically associate the new inventory with that product.


Step 7: Make any edits to the incoming inventory by clicking the vertical 3 dots on the appropriate product line, and then selecting Edit Inventory.

TIP: You can also edit the inventory information after you've completed receiving the invoice. This is editable at any time from the Inventory Control page.

Step 8: Once each line item is complete, click Accept All on the right-hand side of the invoice information.

Step 9: In the 'Print Labels' pop-up that appears, select your desired label size and printer and then click Print. The quantities will be auto-filled to the number you're accepting of each product.


Invoicing Merchandise Inventory


Reassigning Inventory to a Different Product

When creating an Invoice, you might accidentally assign the wrong product master listing (from Product Management) and accept the invoice. The Reassign function allows you to update the product that’s assigned to the invoice line, and associate the inventory information (cost and quantity) with a different product.

NOTE: If you choose to reassign an invoice line to a new product master listing after sales have already been made, no retroactive changes will be made to reporting. Only future sales of this inventory will reflect the new product assignment.

Step 1: Open the Invoice that contains the inventory you need to reassign.

If you don’t know which invoice it’s on, find the product in Product Management with the inventory to be reassigned by opening the Product Card, scroll down to the "Inventory" section, and click on the invoice in question. Alternatively, locate it in Inventory Control and click on the Invoice number. Open the listing, scroll down to the ‘Inventory’ section, and click on the invoice in question.

Step 2: From the invoice, click the vertical 3 dots on the corresponding line and select Reassign Product.

Step 3: Search for the correct product and select it, then click Assign Product. If the correct product master does not currently exist, create a new product.

The invoice and your inventory will reflect the new product selection. These changes will be saved automatically.


Reverting an Invoice to Draft

If you made errors on an invoice, you can revert the invoice to Draft status so you can make any necessary adjustments before re-accepting it. You can only revert an invoice to a draft if:

  • No actions (including moving, splitting, destroying, returning, etc.) have been taken on the invoice's inventory

  • No sales have been made of the invoice's inventory

  • No payments have been made on the invoice

Once any of these have occurred, the button to revert the invoice will no longer be visible.

To revert an invoice to Draft status, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices tab, and identify the invoice you'd like to return to Draft.

Step 2: Click on the invoice to view the invoice details.

Step 3: On the right-hand side of the page, click the Revert to Draft button.


Then make any desired edits to the invoice and click Accept All to re-accept it.


Editing an Invoice

Changing Cost

Changing the ‘Cost’ or ‘Discount And Fees’ section of an invoice after the product(s) have been actioned (including selling, returning, moving, splitting, destroying, etc.) does not require you to revert the invoice to Draft status. Instead, changes to these fields can be made by following the steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices tab.

Step 2: Select the invoice you would like to edit.

Step 3: Click the vertical 3 dots located on the far right side of the appropriate product line.

Step 4: Select Edit Inventory.


Any changes made to the ‘Cost’ or ‘Discount And Fees’ fields will be documented in two places:

    • The ‘Cost of Change’ column will reflect the price difference.

    • If the products on the invoice have already been sold, the 'Activity' column will read, ‘Update Cost After Sold’.

    • If the products on the invoice have not been sold yet, the 'Activity' column will read, ‘Update Cost Before Sold’.

    • Cost changes will be reflected in the ‘Unit Cost Changed’ column and in the ‘Total Cost Changed’ column of this report.

Changing the Distributor

To change the Distributor listed on an Invoice, follow these steps. If a change is made to the Distributor field of an Invoice after it has been accepted and any of the associated units have been sold, all historical reports and exports will be retroactively updated to reflect the new Distributor. The change will be reflected in:

  • Vendor Debt Page: Any payments made after this change will be attributed to the new Distributor.

  • Inventory Log Report: The change will be reflected as an activity of ‘Distributor Change’.

  • Invoice Report: This report will be updated to reflect the new Distributor.

  • Valuation Report: Historic, current, and future data will be updated to reflect the new Distributor.

  • Product Log Report: (when exported) Historic, current, and future sales will be listed under the new Distributor.


NOTE: You will not be able to update an invoice from an arm’s-length (AL) distributor to a non-arm’s length (NAL) distributor (or vice-versa) after sales have been made. This is due to tax implications. If you need to switch from AL<>NAL, you’ll need to return the entire invoice and create a fresh one using the proper distributor.


Paying an Invoice

To make a payment on an invoice, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices tab. Use filters or search to find the invoice you'd like to make a payment on.

Step 2: Click the vertical three dots on the far right-hand side of the invoice's row. Alternatively, you can click on the invoice and then click the blue Make Payment button.

Step 3: In the 'Payment Method' dropdown, select the account that will be funding the payment.

NOTE: If there are any available vendor credits, the payment method will default to Credit Notes. If you'd prefer not to apply the credit note, simply select another payment option from the 'Payment Method' dropdown.


Step 4: Enter the payment amount in the 'Amount' field, and any additional information you'd like to add in the 'Notes' field.

Step 5: Click Make Payment.

TIP: Once payment has been completed, the only field you'll be able to edit is Notes.

After making a payment, the Outstanding Balance will adjust accordingly, and the payment information will be shown on the Payments tab. It will also change the invoice's payment status to 'Paid' or 'Partially Paid', depending on the amount of payment.


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