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SellTreez: Linking a Product to BrandTreez
SellTreez: Linking a Product to BrandTreez
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 12 months ago

Linking SellTreez products to BrandTreez provides the benefit of not having to spend hours creating and maintaining product images, tags, and other metadata. Instead, BrandTreez provides brand-generated, attractive, and complete product listings that make it easy to discover, recommend, and sell products.

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Linking a Product to BrandTreez

To link a SellTreez product to the BrandTreez catalog, follow the steps below or watch a video walkthrough here.

Step 1: In SellTreez, navigate to Product > Product Management.

Step 2: Locate the item line of the product you’d like to link to BrandTreez. Next, select the link icon located to the far left of the product line.


Step 3: BrandTreez will then populate a list of potential product matches based on the selected product’s ‘Type’ and ‘Brand’. The SellTreez product is listed at the top of the page and the potential BrandTreez matches are listed below.

NOTE: If you don’t see the product listed in the BrandTreez catalog, reach out to your Brand Representative and request for them to add their products!


Step 4: Once you find the matching product below, click the green Link button located on the right side of the product’s item line.

Step 5: Next, you’ll be prompted to choose the product information you’d like to use for this product. You can choose to populate the ‘Final Product’ with product information as it exists in SellTreez or with brand-generated content.

  • Left Column: represents the product information as it currently exists in SellTreez.

  • Center Column: represents the brand-generated product information as it currently exists in BrandTreez.

  • Right Column: displays the final version of the product based on the fields chosen from the Left and Center columns.

  • Light Green: boxes of this color indicate the information is the same across both the SellTreez and BrandTreez products. BrandTreez will automatically populate exact matches as a single field in the ‘Final Product’ card.

  • Dark Green: boxes of this color indicate the information for the specific field is not the same across both SellTreez and BrandTreez, and one option should be selected to survive in the ‘Final Product’.

  • White: boxes this color represent the unselected product details.

Step 6: For each field (Product Name, Amount UoM...etc.), select the product information from either the SellTreez or BrandTreez product that will [carry over/survive] into the Final Product(right column). Once you have completed populating the Final Product, click the green Link button at the top of the column.


Step 7: Confirm the changes by clicking the blue Confirm button. Next, navigate back to Product > Product Management and confirm a green Treez icon now appears next to the product line.


Step 8: Click the


icon located to the right of the product line and select Edit.

Step 9: Scroll down to the eCommerce section and confirm that the product image has a green-colored box around it. This green box confirms that it has been selected as the primary image to use in your menu. If the green box is not showing around the product image, click on the image and choose ‘Use as primary image’.


Unlinking a SellTreez Product from BrandTreez

To unlink the product from BrandTreez, click the green Treez icon on the far left of the product line and confirm by clicking the red Confirm button.


NOTE: If you unlink a product, any additional changes made to the product’s details after it was linked will remain after it has been unlinked.

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