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Triib URLs

What are Triib URLs

Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

Triib URLs give you a lot of functionality in your gym, on your website, and sharing with members. The URLs are public and informational links that can easily be embedded into your webite. These links can be broken down into three sections:

  1. General Links

  2. Performance Tracking Links

  3. Leaderboard Links - Non TV Screen Display

To get to Triib URLs, go to Triib Settings > Scroll down to Triib URLs

General Links


This URL links to your Kiosk page. If you plan on using an iPad, tablet, computer, etc. as a Kiosk use this link to pull up the Kiosk Screen (Google Chrome preferred for browsing).

Gift Certificate

Sending someone to this link will allow anyone to buy a gift certificate for your facility.

Free Trial Sign-Up

This link allows a potential member to sign up for a free trial class. You must set the Enable Free Trial Registration checkbox on the classes on your schedule you'd like people to sign up for.

When someone fills out the free trial link they will be required to fill out your waiver form and select the class they wish to attend. You will receive an email with their information, their name will be added to the RSVP List for the class, and they will also be placed in the Newly Joined list on your dashboard. You control which classes are allowed for online-signups with the Schedules > Free Trial Classes page or by editing a class on the schedule and checking the Enable Free Trial Registration checkbox.

Drop-In Online Signup Link

This link allows a visitor to sign up and pay for a class you have set to allow online drop-in signups. You control which classes are allowed for online-signups with the Schedules > Drop In Classes page or by editing a class on the schedule and checking the Allow Drop-In Sign Ups checkbox.

Member Signup Pages

This link allows someone who wishes to join your Affiliate to sign up online. The memberships and attendance packs that you indicate to be sold online will appear here and your members will be able to sign-up online for these memberships/attendance packs.


This link allows someone to request more information from your affiliate, similar to a Contact Us page. When someone fills out this information you will receive an email with their information and they will be added to your Prospects page, which can found under Members > Prospects.

Public & Embedded Schedule

For your schedule there are a few links available for you to use. The Public Schedule link gives you a calendar view of your weekly schedule and can be sent to anyone for viewing OR if you are signed up for Triib Premium this will automatically be the default schedule on your website.

There are also two Embedded links consisting of Calendar view and List view. These links can be embedded into a website you've already setup and contain the HTML Embed Code that you can copy and paste.

Performance Tracking Links

WOD Display

If you plan to use a TV to display your workouts on for your members, this link will do just that. If you program inside of Triib, your programming will display on this link.

TV Class List Dashboard

This link gives you or the member to check into class by searching their name and selecting which class they're checking into. Once checked in, their name will appear under either Male/Female Athletes.

Additionally, in the lower left-hand corner, this dashboard will give you a small viewing of any workout you've programmed for the day!

TV Daily Leaderboard

This link will give you Male/Female leaderboards based on scores your members have inputted for the day. You also have the ability to change the date on the screen so you can look at previous leaderboards!

Leaderboard Links - Non TV Screen Display

Standard Leaderboard

This link will show you leaderboards for any date chosen where scores have been inputted. You also can switch the leaderboard between RX+, RX, and Scaled scores!

Benchmark Workout Leaderboard

If you've set up your benchmark workouts in Coaches Corner, then this link will show you a full layout of leaderboards for your benchmarks.

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