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Setting up Appointment Sessions
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

Your types of Appointments can be broken down into individual sessions. Sessions are differentiated based on duration (minutes), fee, and what percentage/$ amount of the fee that your staff member(s) are paid.

This article will take you through how to set up all of your Sessions.

Creating a Session

1. To create an Appointment Session, toggle to Appointments > Appointment Types > Click on View to the right of the Appointment Type you want to create a Session for.


2. You'll be taken to the Detail Summary page > On the right side of the page, click Create New Session.


3. Finally, you'll be asked to fill out your Session information. 3 key pieces to understand are:

Duration (minutes)

Set how many minutes long the appointment is

Appointment Fee

Set how much this appointment will cost the client for a set amount of time

Percentage or Amount of Fee Paid to Coach

Set a dollar amount or percentage of Appointment Fee that your staff member(s) are paid for the appointment


4. Click Save at the bottom of the page. You've created an Appointment Session!

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