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Migration Best Practices

Tips & Tricks on a smooth start when transferring from another platform

Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

We understand that transferring information out of one platform and into another can be a bit overwhelming. We want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.
Here are some best practices we suggest during this process:

Initial import of data

  • Ensure that your membership plans and rates match. Sometimes, you'll find that you have 2 plans that are the same but have different names. If possible consolidate this so you don't have too many plans. 

  • It's best to import the data with member's email address to avoid duplicates; however, if you don't have them you can always add them later. Note: we cannot upload them in bulk later. 

  • We will scrub your data and look for errors and duplicates; however, you know your business better than anyone so we suggest thoroughly looking over the data prior to import. 

  • This is your chance to clean up your plans! Change what you want now! 

  • If you have a lot of one off rates or old rate, change them to the standard rate and apply a discount. We suggest this to minimize the amount of membership plans and have accurate and clean reporting. 

Inform your Members 

  • Start the migration process by communicating to your members that you are switching platforms and you will need to collect some information from them.

Triib Login Credentials to your Members  (Welcome Email)

  • We can send this email to your active members for you in bulk or you can send individually to each of your members. 

  • The welcome email with have their login credentials to the platform and instructions on updating payment information. 

  • Check who has updated their billing information: Under Members > Active Members, you will find all of your active members. In the search bar, type the word "cash". This will show you everyone that has not updated their payment information. 

  • Send reminder emails asking them to update their payment details. All members can update their credit card from the Mobile App. Sometimes, it's best just to ask when they are in the gym. 

Take a look at upcoming invoices

  • It's imperative to see what invoices are due to process. You can see those invoices under Income Reports > Upcoming Payments. Anyone that is listed as cash, unless they are supposed to be, send them a reminder email to update their payment information otherwise the invoice will not process. 

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