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How to export from MindBody
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

MindBody is one of the more complicated exports and we suggest reaching out to MindBody Support for additional assistance. If client tags were not done previously, it is very difficult to see the active members. 

We highly recommend contacting MindBody support and asking for an export. They do charge for this export. However, if this is not for you. You can download the reports.

Please note, that we cannot import appointments/personal coaching information. 

To export All Members: 

  • From the Reports screen, click on Mailing Lists

  • Change the “Clients Opt In Status” select to All Clients

  • Click Generate & Click green XLS button to download. 

To export All Members: 

  • From the Reports screen, Click Clients

  • Click Membership and click Generate

  • Click Total Members under Active. 

Note: This is where it gets complicated as the report doesn't give you everything you need. You have to manually pull information. We highly suggest reaching out to MindBody to see if there is a better way. 

  • Step 1: Click the first name, you’ll be taken to the Client Profile where you can find the values needed for the Triib Import Spreadsheet. 

  • Step 2: After Step 1 is complete and that information is filled in, click the Account Details tab in the top navigation of the Client Profile.

  • Step 3: In the “Contracts” section you will find the information for the rest of the columns. You can find the Membership Type and Expiration Date under the Contracts section. 

  • Step 4: After filling out the Membership Type and Expiration Date, click “View Autopays” to locate the Membership Rate and the Next Bill Date.

  • Step 5: The Membership Rate is the value in “Amount”. The Next Bill Date is the “schedule date” for the first payment listed.

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