Below is a growing list of custom (fancy) mutations available to Private Plugins, whose variable interpolation is powered by the open source Liquid library.
Getting started with Liquid
To get started quickly with {{ liquid }}
flavor variable notation, create a Private Plugin inside TRMNL, visit the Markup Editor, then copy/paste examples from these unofficial docs:
To understand how Liquid words under the hood, check out the official docs:
To parse and re-format Liquid-injected data, see the "Filters" section of this cheat sheet:
TRMNL custom filters
Given our web application is built in Ruby/Rails, we're able to extend the default Liquid library with custom filters using the following strategy:
We currently offer the following extensions:
{{ 1234 | number_with_delimiter }} # => 1,234
# custom delimiter (default is comma)
{{ 1234 | number_with_delimiter: '.' }} # => 1.234
{{ 1000000 | number_with_delimiter: ' ' }} # => 1 000 000
# optional 2nd arg separates whole number from fractional value
{{ 1234.57 | number_with_delimiter: ' ', ',' }} # => 1 234,57
# currency handling
{{ 10420 | number_to_currency }} # => $10,420.00
{{ 152350.69 | number_to_currency: '£' }} # => £152,350.69
# optional 2nd + 3rd args delimit + separate
{{ 1234.57 | number_to_currency: '£', '.', ',' }} # => £1.234,57
# pluralize + inflect/humanize
{{ "book" | pluralize: 1 }} # => 1 book
{{ "book" | pluralize: 2 }} # => 2 books
{{ "octopus" | pluralize: 3 }} # => 3 octopi
{{ "person" | pluralize: 4 }} # => 4 people
# convert a variable to JSON
{{ my_var | json }} => {"foo":"bar"}
Note: named parameters are not supported by the Liquid library, so you must supply all preceding arguments in the case that you want to override a 2nd+ parameter default.
TRMNL also offers localization filters.
First, l_date
localizes a date (object or string) to a friendlier format with strftime syntax.
{{ '2025-01-11' | l_date: '%y %b' }} # => 25 Jan
# with a specific locale, ex: Korean
{{ '2025-01-11' | l_date: '%y %b', 'ko' }} # => 25 1월
# with the user's locale; good for published Plugin Recipes
{{ '2025-01-11' | l_date: '%y %b', trmnl.user.locale }} # => 25 1월
Next, l_word
translates common words to another language. Contribute more here.
<p>{{ "today" | l_word: 'es-ES' }}</p> # => hoy
{% assign day = "tomorrow" %}
<p>{{ day | l_word: trmnl.user.locale }}</p> # => 내일
Combining filters with our Framework handlers, for example Value Formatting, may produce unexpected results. For example:
<span class="value value--xlarge value--tnums" data-value-type="number">
{{ 10420.00 | number_to_currency }}
Will yield $10,420 without .00
trailing decimal places, because value--tnums
attempts to simplify whole numbers.
Adding more custom filters
Email or hop inside our Developer-only Discord > #Plugins channel to request additional filters or arguments.