Yes, you can mail invoices to medical aid companies to claim for reimbursement. Here’s how:
Mark the Appointment or Create a New Invoice: Ensure that the appointment is marked or the new invoice is set as an Insurance Payment type.
Generate the Invoice: Once you have generated the invoice, it will appear in the Billing section in draft mode.
Mail to Insurance:
Click on the invoice you want to send.
Select the Mail to Insurance option.
A pop-up will display the auto-filled email address for the client’s insurance company.
You can also CC yourself, your client, or both by clicking the plus button to add additional email addresses.
Add any extra items to the body of the email if desired or leave it as is.
Sending the Invoice: The invoice is already attached to the email. If you choose not to send the invoice, you can uncheck the Send Invoice option.
Status Update: Once you send the email, the status in Billing will change to Sent.
Marking as Paid: Once you receive reimbursement, go back and manually mark the invoice as paid by clicking on the menu option at the far-right side. After marking it as paid, a receipt will be sent to the client’s email, and the status will change to Paid.