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Tesla Phone key - Set up

Guide on Tesla Phone key and how to set it up on your phone.

Benjamin Westh avatar
Written by Benjamin Westh
Updated over 12 months ago

An easy way to access your Tesla is by using your phone as a key. When you approach the car, your phone's Bluetooth signal will be detected, and the doors will unlock when you pull a door handle. When you exit the car and move away from it with the phone key, the doors will automatically lock (assuming the "Door Locking When Leaving the Vehicle" feature is enabled).
​To set this up, make sure to:

  1. Enable your phone's general Bluetooth settings

  2. Activate Bluetooth settings for the Tesla mobile app (Go to your phone's settings, select the Tesla mobile app, and ensure that the Bluetooth setting is turned on)

Setting up the phone key in the Tesla app:

  1. Phone Key: Click "Set Up"

  2. Allow location: Click "Allow When Using App"

  3. Authorizing: Await authorization

  4. Allow location: Click "Change to Always Allow"

  5. Security: "Phone key connected"
    You are now ready to use your phone key!

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