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Embed your reviews from Google, Facebook and TrueReview on your website with a reviews widget.
Embed your reviews from Google, Facebook and TrueReview on your website with a reviews widget.

Add a reviews widget to your website with a code snippet.

Updated over 4 months ago


Make sure to have the latest version of jQuery installed for the review widget to properly display on your website. Go to the latest jQuery updater

Or, paste this script in the <head> tag of your website.

<script src="" integrity="sha256-/JqT3SQfawRcv/BIHPThkBvs0OEvtFFmqPF/lYI/Cxo=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

With TrueReview, you can customize and embed your reviews from Google, Facebook and TrueReview on your website by adding an HTML code.

To get your HTML embed code, go to your Reviews Widget page, or click Reviews Widget from the dropdown.

You can also access it by clicking EMBED REVIEWS from your dashboard.

Make sure to connect your Google, Facebook or TrueReview accounts in order for reviews to populate your page.

Customize how your reviews should look on your website with the options in the left panel.

Removing the "Powered by TrueReview" badge is available in the Premium plan, or if you've paid for the one-time brand removal fee.

To embed the reviews on your website, click the "GET EMBED CODE" from the top right of the page.

Copy the code, and paste it in the HTML of your website.

If you make changes to the design of your reviews, click the Publish Changes button to update your link. You don't have to replace the link as it will automatically update on your website.

Once embedded, your reviews will automatically update whenever new reviews are posted.

Column grid style is responsive and will adapt to your website's browser width.

Here are the column breakpoints:

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