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How does the integration with Salesforce work?

Learn the benefits of, and how to set up the Salesforce to trumpet integration

Russell Mitchell avatar
Written by Russell Mitchell
Updated this week

Note - You need Salesforce Enterprise for the integration to work.

The Salesforce integration allows you to create Pods quicker, by auto-populating the fields required to create a Pod and updating engagement data of Pods into Salesforce.

Pod engagement data will sync into Salesforce, as well as the content of comments and completed forms.

Pod viewers not currently in your Salesforce will be added as new contacts and associated with the relevant opportunity/company.

Benefits / Features

  • A Create Pod button in an Opportunity within Salesforce which redirects the user to the Templates page in trumpet with the Pod Creation Wizard opened and with the Salesforce opportunity preselected

  • A card is available in Salesforce that allows for trumpet Pods to be embedded into the Salesforce Opportunity - meaning you can view your Pods and insights directly in Salesforce.

  • trumpet signals/activity get pushed to Salesforce as a custom object, activity or notes.

  • When a new contact views a Pod, if they don't already exist in Salesforce, they will get pushed through as a new contact and associated to the relevant opportunity/company

  • A custom object that holds all the Pod analytics is available, this can be reported on or queried

  • A custom object that holds Form Responses from trumpet is available

  • A custom object that holds links to the attachments that are uploaded to the Pod

  • A custom object that holds all activity is also available

  • When an opportunity stage changes to Closed Won or Closed Lost, it will send that to trumpet and the status is reflected there too.

  • When creating a new Pod on trumpet, “CRM Search” will search the entered keyword in the org’s opportunity and contact records - pulling through the company name and domain which trumpet uses to personalise the Pod, and creating a connection between the Pod and opportunity in Salesforce

Set up and Installation

Two steps to set up:

1 - Install this package -

2 - Authenticate the trumpet to Salesforce connection here -

Note -

The person connecting the integration must have these permissions in order for us to send data back to Salesforce - ViewAllData or ViewAllRecords


Head to Object Manager > Opportunities > Page layout > Opportunity Layout in Salesforce to configure and ensure all the data is visible in trumpet

Video talking through the configuration set up:

Add pods to your opportunity view so you can see and report on Pod metrics:

Drag 'Trumpet Pods' into related lists:

Add the ability to create Pods directly in Salesforce:

Drag Create Pod into Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions

Manage what data gets synced to Salesforce:

Configuration settings for Salesforce can be set in trumpet -

Manage trumpet Fields

trumpet Fields are internal properties that you can view inside the Insights section in your Pods. They allow you to view and update fields within the Internal tab, you can set the direction whether you want the fields to update one way or bidirectional.

Bidirectional sync means that when a trumpet field is updated in trumpet, it will update the connected Opportunity/Account/Contact, this also works if a field is updated in Salesforce, the change will be reflected in trumpet.

Manage Variables

By default, trumpet can pull through Contact, Opportunity and Account information to populate the Pods with:

  • Contact Name

  • Company URL

  • Company Name

  • Deal Name

  • Deal Value

This area of the settings page will allow you to select extra fields that you want to pull from Salesforce to populate your Pods as custom variables

Reports Examples in Salesforce

As part of the Package installation we create some Default reports for you -

These are:

  • Accounts with Pods

  • Contacts with Pods

  • Forms with Responses

  • Opportunities with Pods

  • Pods with Activities

  • Pods with Attachments

  • Pods with Forms

  • Pods with Proposals

Examples of some reports below:

Pods with Activities

Trumpet Pod Id - salesforce record ID

Pod Name - pod’s name taken from parent opportunity.

Activity Name - action name

Person Name - The person who made the action

Location - pod’s URL

Signal Key - type name of activity

Signal Content - activity description

Created At - when the action happened

Pods with Attachments

Trumpet Pod Id - salesforce record ID

Pod Name - pod’s name taken from parent opportunity.

Attachment Name - file’s name

Created At - file’s created date

URL - download URL to the file

Pods with Proposals

Trumpet Pod Id - salesforce record ID

Pod Name - pod’s name taken from parent opportunity.

Proposal Name - trumpet proposal’s Name

Created At - proposal created date

Status - proposal’s status

URL - download URL to the proposal

Opportunities with Pods

Opportunity name - salesforce opportunity’s name

Opportunity Id - salesforce opportunity id

Pod Name - pod’s name

Created At - pod’s created date

Total Comments - total comments under the pod

Total Downloads - total downloads under the pod

Total Links Clicked - total links clicks under the pod

Total Shares - total pod shares with other users

Total Time Spent - total time the user spent under the pod

Total Unique Views - total user unique views

Total Video Plays - total time of users played a videos under the pod

Total Views - total user’s views of pod

URL - link to the pod

Pods with Forms

Trumpet Pod ID - pod’s salesforce id

Pod name - pod’s name

Form: Form Name - form’s name

Person Name - a person who submitted the form

Created Ad - date of form submission

Forms with Responses

Form Name - trumpet’s form name

Pod: Pod Name - pod’s name

Form Response Question Name - trumpet question’s name

Person Name - a person who answered the question

Answer - the answer

Type - type of the question

Created At - answer date

Salesforce Package Architecture

Custom objects

Trumpet Activity

Represents trumpet’s user action with Pod

Name (Text) - Activity name

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - the date when action was done

Location__c (Text) - URL to pod on the trumpet side

PersonName__c (Text) - Person who made the action

Pod__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet Pod” record

SignalContent__c (Text) - activity description

SignalKey__c (Text) - activity key

TrumpetId__c (Text External ID) - activity id on the trumpet portal side

TrumpetPersonId__c (Text) - person id on the trumpet portal side

Trumpet Pod

Represents trumpet’s Pod record

Name (Text) - pod name

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - date when pod was created

LastViewed__c (DateTime) - date when pod was last viewed on the trumpet site

Opportunity__c (Lookup) - lookup to parent Opportunity

TotalComments__c (Number) - total Pod’s commands on the trumpet site

TotalDownloads__c (Number) - total Pod’s file downloads on the trumpet site

TotalLinksClicked__c (Number) - total Pod’s links click on the trumpet site

TotalShares__c (Number) - total Pod’s shares on the trumpet site

TotalTimeSpent__c (Text) - total time spent on the Pod on the trumpet site

TotalUniqueViews__c (Number) - total Pod’s unique views on the trumpet site

TotalVideoPlays__c (Number) - total Pod’s videos played on the trumpet site

TotalViews__c (Number) - total Pod’s views on the trumpet site

TrumpetId__c (Text External Id) - trumpet Pod id

URL__c - (URL) - URL to Pod on trumpet site

Trumpet Attachment

Represent files attached to Pod

Name (Text) - attachment name

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - the date when the attachment created

Pod__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to parent Pod

TrumpetId__c (Text External Id) - attachment id on trumpets site

URL__c (URL) - URL to the attachment

Trumpet Form

Represent trumpet’s form under the Pod

Name (Text) - form name

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - date when the form was created

TrumpetId__c (Text External Id) - form id on trumpet site

Trumpet Form Response

Represent response made by person to trumpet’s form

FormToPod__c (Lookup) - lookup to “Trumpet Form To Pod” record

PersonName__c (Text) - a person who made the response to the form

TrumpetId__c (Text External Id) - response id on the trumpet site

TrumpetPersonId__c (Text) - person id on the trumpet site

Trumpet Form Response Question

Represent an answer to trumpet’s form response question

Name (Text) - Question text

Answer__c (Long Text Area) - person’s answer

FormName__c (Formula) - question’s form name

FormResponse__c - (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet Form Response” record

PersonName__c (Formula) - person’s name who answers the question

Pod__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet Pod”

Type__c (Text) - question type

Trumpet Form To Pod

Junction table between “Trumpet From” and “Trumpet Pod”

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - date time when the form created

Form__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet From” record

Pod__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet Pod” record

Trumpet Proposal

Name (Text) - proposal name

CreatedAt__c (DateTime) - date when the proposal was created

Pod__c (Master-Detail) - lookup to “Trumpet Pod” record

Status__c (Text) - proposal status

TrumpetId__c (Text) - proposal id on the trumpet site

URL__c (URL) - URL to proposal

Salesforce Task Automation via trumpet Signals examples

Integrating Sendtrumpet's digital sales room signals with Salesforce as custom objects provides valuable insights into prospect engagement and sales process progression.

Here are potential tasks that could be triggered based on these signals:

Deal Room Viewed

  • Follow up with prospect to gauge initial interest

  • Schedule a discovery call to discuss deal room contents

  • Update opportunity stage to reflect prospect engagement

  • Send personalized content based on viewed sections

  • Assign a sales representative to the opportunity

Deal Room Shared with New Stakeholder

  • Reach out to the new stakeholder for introduction

  • Update contact roles in the opportunity

  • Schedule a meeting with all stakeholders

  • Send a personalized welcome message to the new contact

  • Adjust sales strategy to accommodate additional decision-maker

Proposal Downloaded

  • Follow up with prospect to discuss proposal details

  • Set a task to check in after a specific time period

  • Update opportunity probability based on engagement

  • Prepare for potential objections or questions

  • Schedule a proposal review meeting

Link Clicked in Deal Room

  • Send additional information related to the clicked link

  • Update lead score based on engagement level

  • Follow up with prospect about the specific topic

  • Create a task to discuss the linked content in next call

  • Adjust sales messaging based on prospect's interests

Document Uploaded

  • Review the uploaded document

  • Send an acknowledgment to the prospect

  • Schedule a meeting to discuss the document

  • Update opportunity details based on new information

  • Assign a task to relevant team members for document analysis

Document Downloaded

  • Follow up to ensure document was helpful

  • Schedule a call to discuss document contents

  • Update opportunity stage if it's a critical document

  • Send related materials or case studies

  • Create a task to prepare responses to potential questions

Mutual Action Plan Step Completed

  • Congratulate the prospect on progress

  • Update opportunity stage and probability

  • Schedule next steps or meetings

  • Prepare resources for the next action plan step

  • Notify relevant internal stakeholders of progress

Video Watched

  • Follow up with questions about video content

  • Send additional related resources

  • Update lead score based on video engagement

  • Schedule a demo or in-depth discussion

  • Create personalized content based on video topic

Voice Note Played

  • Follow up to address any questions from the voice note

  • Schedule a call to discuss voice note contents

  • Update opportunity notes with voice note insights

  • Send written confirmation of any action items

  • Create a task to prepare responses to voice note topics

Form Completed

  • Send a thank you message for form submission

  • Update contact and opportunity information

  • Assign appropriate follow-up tasks based on form content

  • Schedule a call to discuss form responses

  • Trigger internal workflows based on form data

Comment Has Been Left

  • Respond to the comment promptly

  • Schedule a call to discuss the comment in detail

  • Update opportunity notes with comment insights

  • Assign tasks to relevant team members based on comment

  • Adjust sales strategy if comment indicates concerns

Document Signed

  • Send a confirmation and thank you message

  • Update opportunity stage to closed-won

  • Initiate onboarding or implementation processes

  • Schedule a kickoff meeting with the client

  • Assign account management tasks to relevant team

Timeline Item Completed

  • Congratulate the prospect on progress

  • Update opportunity stage and probability

  • Schedule next steps or meetings

  • Prepare resources for the next timeline item

  • Notify relevant internal stakeholders of milestone achievement

By leveraging these custom objects and associated tasks, sales teams can create a more responsive and personalized sales process, leading to improved engagement and higher conversion rates.

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