Watch a video here or read the steps below:
There are two ways to create a template in trumpet.
1 - Create a template from a Pod that already exists
Go to the edit screen of any Pod that you would like to convert into a template.
Click on the Save as Template button.
The Save as template button will open up a box to complete the details such as Template name & description.
Fill out the following boxes to assign to your template, Tags should be used to define the template such as 'Sales', 'Cold Outreach', 'Minimal design'.
Use cases should be assigned such as 'Sales'.
The Team section should be assigned correctly so that members of your team can access and share the template.
This also applies if you are creating a template from scratch below.
2 - Create a template from scratch
Navigate directly to the templates section here
Click the 'Create New Template' button.
Then simply give your template a name and description, and define which teams can use it.