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How does trumpet add new Leads/Contacts to my CRM?
How does trumpet add new Leads/Contacts to my CRM?

This article explains how your Pod viewers get added to your CRM as a new lead/contact

Louisse avatar
Written by Louisse
Updated over a year ago

There are cases where your Pod had been re-shared by your original Pod recipient to their colleagues. Aside from being able to track who specifically had viewed it from Pod Analytics, now you can also see these pod viewers automatically get added as a new contact / lead in your CRM, if you don't already have them in any associated deal.

The Create Contacts feature is currently available on Hubspot, Salesforce, and MS Dynamics integrations.

How it works:

  1. Create/choose a deal in your CRM. In this Hubspot example, there are no associated contacts with this deal.

  2. Create a Pod in, and search for the deal using the CRM Search bar. Send / share the finished Pod.

  3. The default share settings require viewers to enter an email address before accessing the Pod. Once they've entered their email, trumpet will then check if that email address is already in your CRM as a lead/contact, and if it's not yet there, we'll create a new contact/lead from their email address, and link it to the associated deal in your CRM.

  4. When you go back to your CRM and refresh the deal page, the Pod viewers have been added under Contacts.

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