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What are answer weights?

Understand both matched Results and dynamic content block answer weights and how to use them to further customize your recommendations

Ana Bunaiasu avatar
Written by Ana Bunaiasu
Updated this week

You can check out this brief video to find out how to use answer weights for your matched Results. This applies to the default Results that show based on the score they receive from answer selection.

With Answer Weights, you can now assign varying levels of importance to specific answers within your quiz, ensuring the results are even more tailored to your customer's needs.

Answer weights come into play for both default results through Product Matching but also in Dynamic Content Blocks where answer weights can decide which Variant is displayed as results. Please check out our dedicated help article to find our more about Answer Weights in Dynamic Content blocks.

By default, every answer in your quiz that you can see in the Products tab has a weight of 100. You can adjust this weight up to 10,000 for default results and 1000 for dynamic content blocks, giving particular answers more influence over the final product recommendations. While in dynamic content blocks you can use negative scores in the product matching answer scores that is not available.

The higher the weight you assign to a particular answer, the more it boosts the likelihood of the products linked to that answer being displayed.


As you cans see in the question above, the Giant Grub product and Joint Supplement linked to the first answer to the question will get 4000 points added if this answer is selected in comparison to only 2000 points coming from choosing Moderately active and 1000 points collected from choosing Low Activity.

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