How to test πŸ“ˆ

You have ✏️ ads, now what to do with them? Test test test!

Will Hanschell avatar
Written by Will Hanschell
Updated over a week ago

You're wondering what to do with your account now that you have ads ready to test. First export them! πŸ›«

We have a simple baseline process we recommend, that works across all platforms. (Please note: there is context around your brand + the platforms that this won't cover so it's up to you to fill it in!)

  1. Audience: Broad (whatever that means to you)

    1. Why: you should test your ads in the widest possible market to see what is working and what isn't. When you go with an audience that is interested, you will get a false signal around how well your ads are performing.

    2. Meaning: Focus big, then layer on the interests, lookalikes, etc.

  2. Placements: All placements.

    1. Why: you don't know what works and what doesn't. The algorithms usually do quite a good job for you. (πŸ”₯ tip: don't fight algo's you'll usually pull your hair out)

    2. Meaning: measure what's working later if you need to. Great article here about Ad Placements.

  3. Budget: For testing 20% of your total budget.

    1. Why: you want enough budget in your test to have meaningful data to support scaling them up. While also not over allocating your spend so you aren't focused on the ads that are making you meaningful sales.

    2. Meaning: You need to be testing so you can find ads to scale when others fatigue.

  4. Total Ads Run: 3 at minimum

    1. Why: you want to spread your budget across multiple creative variables to find what resonates with your audience. If you test 1 ad at a time, you will have a tough time figuring out what drives excitement for your prospects.

    2. Note: This is dependent on your budget.

      1. With a larger budget you can test more ads, have tighter cycles, then run new tests. Your audience feedback loop is shorter.

  5. What now: Scale, Turn Off, Iterate

    1. What: Scale your winning ads, Turn off your losing ads, iterate on new ads to dive deeper into your audience feedback loop.

    2. Note:

      1. 1 in 10 ads is a πŸš€

      2. 2-3 ads are good (revenue creators)

      3. The rests are 🀒.

      4. Follow the data.

Let us know if you have any questions or reach out directly to Happy Testing!

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