How to create ads 🧱
Will Hanschell avatar
Written by Will Hanschell
Updated over a week ago

You've onboarded and set up the basics in your workspace, now you want to generate a second time.

Follow this simple two step process.

Step 1: Choose Your Settings

A) Outcomes - Pencil is backdating the performance of your ads when you connect your ads manager.

B) What topic - what do you want the system to write about? A few lines of detail will help the system get into your head and create something unique.

C) Offer - this is optional, but we find it can make an impact if you do have one. No pressure 😎

Step 2: Choose Assets

A) Select the product of assets you'd like to use. Make sure you have diversity within your selection: Product Shots, Lifestyle Images, Brand Videos, and UGC. A combination of these will deliver strong ads that you can start testing.

B) Generate new ad ideas! You'll have your ads ready to inspect within a minute.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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