Create a TikToks ad
Written by Daniel Wright
Updated over a week ago

Create a TikToks ad

From the AI magic tools page, click on the TikToks Get started button to begin.

Choose a product by clicking on the Select from Asset Library button.

Choose a product from your product list.

Pencil will automatically select assets, but you can customize the selections by toggling the selection checkboxes for each asset.

Use the Asset quality and Asset type bars to help you ensure you have a good selection of assets to use.

Click Done when you are ready.

Pencil will use workspace parameters or generate content for the five optional settings groups, which you can also customize yourself.

You can set your required formats and your desired variation count, then click the Generate button.

Depending on how many variations you set, this can take a few minutes to generate all of the ideas.

Use the predictions for each to help you assess each ad.

By hovering over the thumbnail for each ad idea, you can choose to Export, Edit, Make and review comments, Approve or unapprove, and Delete the ad idea.

Under the thumbnail, you can see the tag associated with the idea and if it is static or a video ad. Then by clicking anywhere in this area you can toggle the selection checkbox.

Once an ad idea has been generated, you will be able to find it on the Creatives page, so it is a good idea to rename any idea you want to come back to.

Congratulations, you have now seen how to generate multiple TikTok ad ideas using the TikToks magic AI tool. If you are interested in seeing how to edit, share and comment creatives, head over to the Creative page next.

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